The yearly EUG annual assembly will take place on April 23 at 15.00-17-00 CEST. It will be hosted by the Swedish Ladok Consortium, Wallingatan 2, Stockholm  but also with possibility to attend online, se below.

 Draft Agenda

  1. Welcome, 
    1. Opening of Annual Assembly
    2. Election of Chair of the Annual Assembly 
    3. Election of Secretary of the Annual Assembly 
    4. Apologies 
    5. Confirmation of quorum 
    6. Approval of agenda 
  2. New members 
  3. Executive Committee’s report
    1. Yearly report 2023
    2. Year plan 2024
  4. New EMREX Registry, proposition from DUO
  5. Version 2.0 of ELMO-format
  6. Keynote:  Accomplishments during the year - Connecting EMREX to SDG, Pim van Der Eijk, DG DIGIT
  7. Changes in statutes
  8. Questions to the Executive Committee 
  9. Acceptance of documents
    1. Yearly report 2023
    2. Yearly plan 2024
    3. New EMREX Registry
    4. New statutes
  10. Election of Executive Committee Members               
  11. Meeting close 

For online participants, Zoom-room to connect to

Meeting ID: 289 338 5863
Password: r0x1Sw

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