Create a multiple choice question (one correct answer) 

In this question type student can choose one correct answer.

  • In question type, choose Multiple Choice Question (one correct answer)

  • Add question to the question text field

  • Add new option by clicking here and insert the answer options
  • You can also have decimals in points by using period
  • Maximum sum of points is shown under the options. It cannot be negative, so the minimum sum is zero.

In additional informational you can:

  • Share the ownership of the question to other teachers so they can manage it in the Question Library and use it in their exams. The owner of the question has full rights to modify the question even when it is in the exams of another owner.
  • Add an attachment to the question for the student to open in the exam. Make sure you use file formats supported by the EXAM computers. Don't use links in questions or attachments. Access to the internet is blocked from the EXAM computers.
  • Add question instructions to be shown to the student in the exam.
  • Add tags that can help in categorizing questions in the Question Library.

Finally, click Save and your question will be added to your exam. If you create a question in the Question Library, you will also have to add it to your exam.

Assessing a Multiple Choice Question (one correct answer)

EXAM assesses Multiple Choice Questions automatically.

In the following example, a student has chosen the correct answer marked with green, which gives one point. 

You can also assign the points manually by skipping the automatic points. Total amount of points cannot be negative, so the minimum sum is zero.

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