The Solution Outline for Denmark is found in the attached document
National Contact Point
- Data sources
- from where do you get the information about assessments/achievements/courses
- how do you plan to collect this information
- What kind of information can be delivered
- What kind of log-in solution(s) will be used
- What kind of functionality will the student meet in this solution
In below figure the Danish NCP frontend and NCP backend is described into more details.
Figure 4 – Solution overview for NCP
NCP frontend:
The NCP frontend will be a lightweight webserver which handles the request from the EMREX client (from the other countries), the webserver must be accessible from the internet. The frontend holds info about which institutions that are available in Denmark. The frontend will redirect the student to a secure login, using WAYF as a dispatcher. The student will login at the institution, i.e. KU, which hosted the student during the stay in Denmark.
The assumption is that the student still has a valid login to the institution.
Having logged in to the institution, the NCP frontend will guide the student through the process of fetching the results from the courses which the user has completed.
NCP backend:
The NCP backend is a set of webservices, currently 2 webservices has to be available, either via reuse of existing STADS webservices or via new STADS webservices. These webservices has to be deployed on all STADS instances (institutions) and be accessible from the NCP frontend. The webservice WS2, which returns the student results, has to deliver data in a XML file in the ELMO format.
The flow for the NCP is described in more details in below figure.
Deployment of Student Mobility Plug-in
- Application(s) where the plug-in will be deployed
- Overall description of this application
- How will the plug-in be deployed - functionally
- How will this be done technically