Recommended, widely used service in Finnish Universities. (Read more)
The service is produced entirely in EU or ETA area. There are now special requirements for processing of personal information. (Read more)
Eduuni Collaboration Services
Eduuni is a service environment for collaboration across organisation and ecosystem boundaries. Eduuni services are provided by CSC - IT Center for Science. Eduuni is part of the agreement between CSC and the Ministry of Education and Culture as an additional services that enable interoperability in the sector of education, science and culture. Cost based pricing and in-house principle are applied to the procurement of the Eduuni services.Eduuni Workspaces
- Offers Microsoft SharePoint workspaces for networks, projects or teams.
- A workspace is a site in internet that can be used by a web browser. The workspace can contain documents, pictures, videos, task lists, discussions, calendars, wiki and blog pages etc. The workspace can be created in Finnish, Swedish or English.
- Office Web Apps enables reading and editing of Office documents within the web browser.
- All users get a personal OneDrive for Business that enables using and sharing own documents by the web browser or by syncing them with a workstation. OneDrive contains same features as the workspace.
Eduuni Wiki
- Atlassian Confluence collaboration service for network projects and teams.
- Each network, team or individual user can have own separately managed wiki-site with its own administrator and unique permission. It is also possible to create publicly visible team site.
Eduuni JIRA
- JIRA is an issue tracking and agile project management tool. Service contains Atlassian JIRA features.
Eduuni ID
- Eduuni ID is a user’s work identity which is based on a work email address. All Eduuni services require users to sign up and confirm their work email address as the Eduuni ID.
- User rights can be given directly to email addresses.
- Groups in Eduuni Workspaces can published by adding # character in front of any group name. When a member of the #-group to any service that uses Eduuni ID group information will send with other sing in attributes (SAML, WS-fed.) Format of the group information is e.g.
- It is also possible to grant permissions to the email domains in services that use Eduuni ID. By giving such permissions e.g. it is possible to create an organisation's intranet or extranet type websites.
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy
- Applicable law: Finnish
Evaluation (2 Feb 2017)
- Recommended, widely used service in Finnish Universities. The service can be recommended for material that has been classified confidential, internal or public. However, with regarding confidential information user should always check organization own guidelines.
- The service is also suitable for internal or confidential material.
- Good level of security and data protection. Service environment has been audited and is located in Finland. The service provider CSC is committed to maintain an increased level of security.
- Eduuni ID is confirmed once a year. Light check the validity of the employment relationship on a regular basis.
- Eduuni ID brings the flexible group management. The risk of wrong or too large user rights is minimized.
- Access to the collaboration sites can be allowed to external users. Eduuni can replace third-party cloud services as a safer environment.
- Services environment is located in Funet network that allows more stable and faster connections
- Version control and logging can be forced on.
- All users (including Haka) must sign up Eduuni-ID and confirm the work email address.
- No service level (SLA) promise and no english instructions.
- Archiving or backup does not differ from Office 365 environment. To ensure the fulfillment of the archiving or storage obligation has to be done for example guidance
The identity and access management is based on a user's work email address which is registered and confirmed as the user's identity (Eduuni-ID). The sign in method can be chosen by the user. Trusted sign in methods are:
- The organisation's own credentials, if the organisation is a Haka, Virtu or eduGAiN identity federation member or organization is using Office 365 (Azure AD) services
- Google, Microsoft, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Yahoo! credentials
- Organisation customers follow the Eduuni instructions in your own organisation. Network customers contact
- CSC - IT Center for Science offers Eduuni Service Environment with the mandate of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Similar services
- Office 365, Atlassian Confluence and JIRA