Service use brings significant risks related to information ownership, privacy or security. (Read more)
The service if produced entirely or partly outside EU/ETA area. The customer is responsible for fulfilment of european data privacy and information security requirements. (Read more)
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy
Instagram is one of Facebook Corporations services.
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- standard contractual clauses are approved by the European Commission and rely on the European Commission's adequacy decisions about certain countries, as applicable, for data transfers from the EEA to the United States and other countries.
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- Applicable law: EU district and EU member states law, otherwise Ireland or USA
Evaluation (11 December 2018)
- Handy tool to share pictures and videos. Widely used
- Changes to the Privacy Policy are announced to users at least 30 days before change
- Service collects your shared content (pictures, comments)
- Uses cookies for advertisments
- Service provider is located outside of Finnish Act for Privacy of Electronic Communications
- Service collects lot of information about user, usage and used device, also location data
- User gives consent to process data thru Instagram and Facebook settings
- Face Recognition is used if user allows it
- User can remove his/her profile which deletes data stored in service. Notice! Content shared to other users will not be removed from the service
- Account can be userid, mobilephone number or email-address. Also Facebook account is possible.
- Under EU/ETA district Facebook Ireland Limited
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