Service contains risks and is suitable for some use cases. (Read more)

The service if produced entirely or partly outside EU/ETA area. The customer is responsible for fulfilment of european data privacy and information security requirements. (Read more)


Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service. It enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters, pictures, videos and links to other web-pages. Tweets can be read without registration but to send your own material registration is required.

Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

Evaluation (16.10.2017)

Twitter Inc. enables message sending (tweets) privately or publicly and option to follow particular tweeters. Tweets can be read without registration.

Twitter can be used anonymously. Registration requires name, username, password and email(or phone number). You can use your real name or pseudonym in tweets. All additional information is totally optional. Ownership of the posted content remains to user but Twitter reserves the right to use user content to its own purposes.

User can deactivate service account. In that case Twitter will start removing user data after 30-days of deactivation. Removal process will take up to one week.

Service gathers quite much information about the user (cookies, IP address etc.).

Twitter complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield principles.

(plus) Anonymous usage
(plus) Ownership of the content remains to user
(plus) Changes in Terms of service or Privacy policy will be informed by an e-mail or Twitter update 
(plus) Participant of EU-US Privacy Shield
(plus)Handy tool for microblogging

(minus) Twitter reserves the right to use user content in large extent
(minus) Twitter gathers quite much information about the user (cookies etc.)


With registration or a Facebook account


Support site (multilingual)


Twitter, Inc. USA
Twitter International Company, Ireland (users outside USA)