



  • Career and Study Guidance service layered architecture picture is ready
  • Initial model of concept map is started
  • Competence mapping service layered architecture picture is started

Discussion items

5minMeeting setupAll

Takes too long to setup meeting and still problems with the connections.

Decided to focus on learning analytics on separate Monday morning meeting.

30min Career and Study Guidance service Ari
  • Discussed about Application functions and decided to start modeling those also. Rationale is to tell 'what' is needed from the application to create desired service. Useful at the reference architecture level.
    • identified a few application functions in Career and Study Guidance Service production
    • Authentication and authorization could be more generic, and need to think this later.
  • Concepts
    • we didn't have time to go into these but recognized need for process integration modeling and find concepts linking the processes as information flows. AP: Ari&Sami
  • Application Services
    • Need to continue with these.
1hCompetence Mapping serviceAri
  • Functionality of the service is to map learner's competence to a reusable form. The value is the competence profile itself which can be used in many different processes and services. Inputs to the service is learner's competences from learner itself, other systems and other profiles including informal competences. Output is "Interoperable competence profile". Annica will produce service description.
  • Mapping to learning opportunities is done under other service (Comparing opportunities).
  • Interoperable competence profile is the main thing and the key to learner for example when applying to education, recognizing the competences and applying to job.

Action items

  • Competence Mapping service description, Annica Moore  
  • Suggestion of process integration diagram, conceptual data diagram and other architectural items, Ari Rouvariand Sami Mäkinen