List of collected fields for each publications (blue rows express mandatory fields)




More information 

Mandatory field


Organization ID 

Organization ID according to a certain classification 

ID is 5-8 characters and it is determined according to a certain classification. e.g. Finnish universities 



Reporting year 

The year in which the publication was reported for the first time, 2011 or after.  

Reporting year is automatically generated in VIRTA.  



Status of the publication 

Status of the publication. Value -1,0, 1, 2 or 9 

-1 -> Rejected
0 ->   Accepted with inadequate data
2 -> Accepted with complete data 

9 -> co-publication

Generated automatically in VIRTA 



Organization-specific ID of publication 

The organization's own ID for the publication. 

Free text field, for example sequential numbers, e.g. 2015_0001, 2015_0002, etc. 



Organization sub-unit 

Faculties, departments or units (max. 20) of the organisation with contribution to the publication 

Free text field. Codes defined by the organization 



Publication year 

The year in which the publication was published for the first time as a version with full bibliographic information. 

A four number digit between 1900–2020 



Publication title 

Publication title as given in the article or the book. If necessary, the title of a foreign-language publication may be transliterated. 

Free text field 



Publication authors 

Authors of the publication in the format and order in which they were listed in the original publication or source database. 

Free text field. Several authors should be separated by semicolon: 

Forename, Surname; Forename, Surname 



Number of authors in publication 

The total number of authors in the publication. 

A positive integer, not 0.  




Publication's page numbers in which the article was published in the same format as in the original article or source database. 

Free text field 



Article number 

Article number used for the publication of the article (if applicable) in the same format as in the original article or source database. (Usually in electronic publications) 

Free text field 




Keywords that describe the content of the publication as accurately as possible. 

Free text field. Several keywords should be separated by semicolon 




Publication or parent publication ISBN number.  

Validity is verified by the method described in and 



Publication Forum ID 

Publication forum identifier according to the Finnish Publication forum (JUFO-ID) (e.g. 5003). 



Generated automatically in VIRTA



Publication Forum ranking 

The classification has three levels: 1 = basic; 2 = leading; 3 = top (0 =  identified publication channels which have not received level 1) 


Generated automatically in VIRTA



Publishing country 

Country of publication of the journal, series, monograph or parent publication according to the countries 2007 classification of Statistics Finland. 

Value according to the countries 2007 classification of Statistics Finland. 



Journal name 

Journal/series name, as complete as possible, and spelled out (no 

abbreviations). If the name of a conference article journal/series is unknown, the established conference name will be indicated without the ordinal and year and with no abbreviations. 

Free text field 




The ISSN number of the series publishing the journal, monograph or parent publication according to the primary printed version. If there is no printed version, the ISSN number of the electronic version will be indicated. 

Validity is checked. 1-2 ISSN numbers per publication can be   




Volume of the journal or series in which the article appeared. 

Free text field 




Issue of the journal or series in which the article appeared. 

Free text field 



Conference title 

The established name of the conference repeated in the name of the proceedings publication. 

Free text field 




Publisher’s name, as complete as possible, and spelled out (no abbreviations). 

Free text field 



Place of publishing 

The place or places given in connection with the publication’s publisher. 

Free text field 



Parent publication’s title 

Name of the edited book in which the article was published. 

Free text field 



Parent publication’s editors 

Editors of an edited publication in the format and order in which they were listed in the original publication or source database.  

Free text field 



Publication type 

Publication type according to the publication type classification 




Field of science of the publication 

One to six fields of science in the order of relevance of each field to the publication. The first, so-called primary field of science is mandatory 




International co-publication 

At least one of the author’s is affiliated to a foreign organization 

0 = no, 1 = yes 



Internationality of publication* 


The publisher of a national publication is the home country of the reporting organization. The publisher of an international publication 

is not the home country. The publisher 

of a conference publication refers to the publishing house.  

0 = no, 1 = yes 



Publication language 

The language used to write the publication according to the Languages 2003 classification of Statistics Finland 



Open access 

Open access status of the  publication  


0 = No answer 

1 = Publication published on an open access channel 

(all publications on the channel are openly accessible) 

2 = Open access publication published on a hybrid channel (the 

channel contains both open access and non-open access publications) 



Co-publication with a company 

At least one of the author’s is affiliated to a company 


0=no, 1 =yes 




The publication is self-archived in a field-specific or institutional repository 

0=no, 1 =yes 



Self-archived permanent address 

Permanent address of a self-archived publication (e.g. URL) 

Free text 




The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the publication. 

Validity is checked. 



Permanent address 

Website address based on permanent identifiers (e.g. DOI, URN or handle) of the publication that takes the user directly to the full text version of the publication. 

Free text field 



Source database code 

Publication identifier or ID number in the database from which its record was harvested (e.g. Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed, ArXiv, Cab Abstracts, Arto, Fennica). 

Free text field 



Organization authors

Author affiliated in the reporting   organisation.

Free text field. May include several names but at least one is compulsory.  Several authors should be separated by semicolon:

Forename, Surname; Forename, Surname 






ORCID identifiers of authors from the reporting organisation, e.g. 0000-0000-0000-0000, see 

e.g. 0000-0000-0000-0000, see 


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