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In order to harmonize semantics of this attribute and ease its use for authorization, following convention is used in Haka federation:

  • Student = a student who has registered as being present (läsnäoleva) and 
    1. who aims at a degree that is laid down by a decree (opiskelija, joka tähtää asetuksella annettuun tutkintoon); e.g. bachelor, master, licentiate, doctor; or
    2. who is going to include the studies in his/her degree in another Finnish or foreign university; e.g. exchange/visiting student (vaihto-opiskelija, JOO-opiskelija).
  • Faculty= research and education workers at laboratories and institutes; e.g. professors, researchers, lecturers, assistants, whether employed by the institution or some other organisation (such as Academy of Finland). Docents may be affiliated as faculty, if they are actively involved in research or education in an institute.
    • Mapping to categories of the KOTA database for universities:
      • educational workers (opetushenkilökunta)
      • research workers (tutkimushenkilökunta)
    • Mapping to categories of the AMKOTA database for polytechnics:
      • teachers (opettajat)
      • R&D workers (901, 902, 903 tutkimushenkilökunta)
    • In Haka federation the value faculty of eduPersonAffiliation attribute is RECOMMENDED to is RECOMMENDED to be available when it is appropriate for the person in question providing the coupling between base registry (eg student registry) and user database is functional.
  • Staff = administrational workers at the institution, whether employed by the institution or some other organisation (like a subcontractor such as campus restaurant or cleaning firm).
  • Mapping to categories of the KOTA database for universities:
    • supportive staff for research and education (opetuksen ja tutkimuksen apuhenkilöstö)
    • library staff (kirjastohenkilökunta)- IT staff (ATK-henkilökunta)
    • administrational and office staff (hallinto- ja toimistohenkilökunta)
    • property maintenance staff (huolto- ja kiinteistönhuoltohenkilökunta)
    • Mapping to categories of the AMKOTA database for polytechnics:
      • teaching administration (201 Opetuksen hallinto: opetuksen järjestämiseen liittyvän hallinnon henkilöstö, esim. apulaisrehtori, koulutusohjelmajohtaja, opintoasiainpäällikkö, opintoasiainsihteeri, opintotukisihteeri)
      • library staff (301 Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelut)
      • other supportive staff for teaching (401 Muu opetuksen tukitoiminta, esim. harjoittelu- ja laboratorioinsinöörit)
      • general and IT administration (701 Yleishallinto, esim. rehtori, johdon sihteeri, tiedottaja, tietohallinto- ja tietotekniikka henkilöstö)
      • financial administration (702 Taloushallinto, esim. talouspäällikkö, -johtaja, -sihteeri, taloudenhoitaja, kirjanpitäjä)
      • human resources administration (703 Henkilöstöhallinto, esim. palkanlaskija, henkilöstöpäällikkö, henkilöstöasiain sihteeri)
      • other staff (850 Muu henkilökunta, kaikki muut, jotka eivät sisälly edellisiin)
  • Employee = a person actually employed by the institution (työ/virkasuhteessa).
  • Member = This value covers all categories mentioned above plus students taking qualifying education courses or further education courses (pätevöitymiseen tähtäävä täydennyskoulutus, muu täydennyskoulutus).
  • Affiliate = a person that for some reason has to be granted a user identity in the organization, but who does not receive any other benefits. E.g. an open university and further education center students (avoin yliopisto/korkeakoulu, täydennyskoulutuskeskuksen opiskelijat), a degree student with an absent status (poissaolevaksi kirjoittautunut tutkinto-opiskelija), a library walk-in (kirjaston kadunmies-asiakas), an outside member of a research group etc.
  • Alum = a graduated student of the institution
  • Library-walk-in = a library walk-in (kirjaston kadunmies-asiakas)

In the absence of coupling between base registry (eg student registry) and the user database, role based attributes like eduPersonAffiliation SHALL NOT be made available in Haka federation.

See also: funetEduPersonStudentCategory
