Maa ja linkit | Yleistä | Kommentit |
Ruotsi | Tiedote 1.7.2024: - "Kansalliset suositukset" - policy vaatisi kovemman mandaatin
- Valmistelussa mukana ainakin SND (Svensk nationell datatjänst), Vetenskapsrådet, Kungliga biblioteket ja SciLifeLab
- SND osallistuu FAIR-IMPACTin tukiohjelmaan ja yhteiset keskustelut aloitettu (palaveri CSC/SND, sitä ennen helmikuussa CSC/SciLifeLab/SND)
| Yhteisiä palavereja tulossa ja suunniteltu (kokemusten vaihtoa) |
Irlanti | - On 25 October 2024, Ireland’s National Open Research Forum (NORF) launched Ireland’s National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy Interoperability, Openness, and Impact – Recommendations and Roadmap for an Irish National PID Strategy.
- Strategiaa varten tehty kustannushyötyanalyysi, jossa myös "priority PIDs" (eli ei ole PID-neutraali):
- "PIDs are a critical component of the Irish National Action Plan for Open Research (2022-2030), which includes four named priority PIDs: DOIs, ORCIDs, RAiDs, and ROR identifiers"
- Transition towards Open Research (establishing a culture of open research, 100% OA, FAIR)
- Why national PID strategy needed? Actions in Action plan: Invest in PID infrastructure (ORCID, DOI; RAiD, ROR)
- Reducing administrative burden
- Estimating the scale of research activity
- Efficiency and insight: a cost-benefit analysis for a central service to support persistent identifier implementation in Ireland. Digital Repository of Ireland.
Yhdistyneet kuningaskunnat | - Myös kustannushyötyanalyysi ja suositukset PIDeistä
- "The cost-benefit analysis for the UK PID Support Network (19 M dollar/year) and Australian research systems (24 M dollar/year)"
- Central support for PIDs: UK & IRL have proposed a PID support team, a mix of tech & community experts:
- encourages capacity building
- economies of scale
- generates additional capabilities alongside existing consortia
- flexible and scalable
Saksa | Osallistava prosessi
Alankomaat | Towards a national PID roadmap:
A Dutch Funder’s PID Strategy: NWO Persistent Identifier Strategy : - "This document is the PID strategy of the Dutch Research Council (NWO), the national research council of the Netherlands, written in 2021. It outlines why PIDs are important for the NWO as a funder, both in keeping track of their own grant information and in their role in propagating and promoting science on a national level and proposes 5 recommendations for achieving their goals. "
| Rahoittajanäkökulmaa |
Australia | Lähestymistavasta ja linkki strategiaan: - ylätason strategia (helmikuu 2024), täydentyvä tiekartta (toukokuu 2024)
- a national conversation to creat a strategy that delivers shared value for all stakeholders.
- build upon shared action and accountability
- first strategy, then roadmap for implementation (and guidelines)
- Osana tiekarttaa policy-luonteisempi: Implement PIDs at your organisation - Guiding principles for best practice implementation
- suosittelee tiettyä PIDiä tiettyyn käyttötarkoitukseen
Approach: Stakeholders: research funders, research institutions, NCRIS "The challenge: universities have priorities ->to have all going to the same direction"
Process: Australian National PID strategy released in Feb 2024 after 12 month open consultation process (working groups, workshops, webinars, open submission etc) with the Australian research sector led by ARDC.
Yhdysvallat | Developing a US National PID Strategy - NISO mukana
- Rahoittajakenttä hajanainen
- Hyödynnetty aikaisempia selvityksiä, joissa käyty läpi eri maiden tilannetta (mm. Suomen PID-tiekartta).
- Proposed components of a National PID Strategy
- Key benefits of Embracing PIDs
- Desirable Characteristics of Persistent Identifiers
- Neutraali: "not essential which identifier, if it's interoperable, but use one" - PID graph
- Recommendations for PID Infrastructure
- Supporting Core PID ecosystem (centralised PID Infrastructure)
- Next steps → define desirable characteristics for PID systems and develop recommendations for a formal US National PID Strategy
Kanada | - focus on governance
- PIDs in Canada: started around ORCID consortium and continued with DataCite consortium
- Canadian PID Advisory Committee (CPIDAC)
- composed of funders, library consortia, digital research infrastructure, otheres (e.g. CIOs, research administrators)
- funding from digital research alliance of Canada (centralised funding for the PID strategy as well)
Japani | Vasta aloite: Osallistava prosessi: inputia haetaan tutkijayhteisöiltä:
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Latinalainen Amerikka | - Resurssit tiukilla, mutta PID-infrayhteistyötä eri maiden välillä, "PIDs can make research FAIR", Latin America pioneer in open science, national policies...
- ORCID community in Latin America: 2022-2025 Strategic themes - Regional Consortium initiative → Latin America and Caribbean Regional (LAC) Consortium