Versions Compared


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Ongoing - link separate page for detailed plan
Main goals and project resultsResponsible / Work package Identified risks Key Performance Indicators (KPI) - measurements Definition of conceptDefinition of functionalities for prototypesDevelopment of prototypes (WP3)DeploymentCommunication and dissemination (WP5) Deliverables across timelineEvaluation

   Ecosystem and modules user scenariosMain architecture aspects and system requirementsInitial functionalities incl. interface, content and associated servicesReference group review of functionalitiesFinalized definition of functionalities incl. interface, content and associated servicesMock upHTMLPilot prototype MayPilot prototype AugustPublic versions (do we need this - all versions public?)

National deployment

(Finland - all prototypes)

International deployment

(Netherlands, Germany + possible other countries)


Framework architecture


  • EDUFI: Sami, Annica
  • CSC: Ari, Antti



  • Gradia: Tarja
  • CSC:
    Ari, Antti, Anu
    Sami, Topias



 Links here

Framework architecture


User scenarios

Architecture aspects? - how does this differ from previous?

System requirements to be linked




Link to detailed plan



Link to detailed plan

Link to communication calendar and stakeholder management

Del 27 Pilot deployment of the architecture 

Del 30 Report on pilot deployent of the architecture

Impact evaluation study 

Analytics prototype

  • competence visualizations
      • education recommendations
        • natural language processing, Koski-tiedot muutetaan kansankielisiksi osaamisiksi, jotka käyttäjä pääsee valitsemaan osaksi profiiliaan. Tuotetaan algoritmi ja sen yksinkertaisin mahdollinen toteutus

      • education recommendations (Reaktor)

      • suosittelukomponentin osalta liian myöhäistä teknisesti tässä vaiheessa (Petri)
      • Jotain muuta kuin kiinteä kivijalka learner planissä
      • Onko mahdollista tehdä erillisenä komponenttina - Oulusta tuotettava komponentti mahdollista lisätä jollain toisella aikataululla (voidaan osoittaa että olisi toimiva - demoaminen ilman käyttöliittymää)
      • OPH:n tietohallinnon tilaukset (semanttinen algoritmiikka) ja niiden hyödyntäminen (Annica) - Paulin diat
      • Erikoistunut kompetenssiprofiili voi olla haaste
      • Hannilla henkilön kompetenssikuvaus - data science, machine learning - tuotekehitysosaaminen?
      • Yksin tekeminen ei ole realiteetti - osa muuta työtä
      • Koosteena sähköposti joka lähetettävissä Susanna Pirttikankaalle)

    WP2 TF-LEA

    • UOulu: Hanni, Egle,
    • EDUFI:  



    • Gradia: Tarja
    • UOulu: Hanni, Egle, Antti K.
    • CSC:  Antti, Anu
    • EDUFI  Topias



    Visualisation ideas based on desk research (literature) and reference group generated ideas in workshops

    Educations recommendation desk research (literature)

    Definition of data sources and Integration of in and outputs to the visualisations

    Recommendation system needs for analytics and algorithm availability

    Link to communication calendar and stakeholder management

    Deliverable 28 Pilot deployment of analytics prototype

    Learner plan prototype incl 3 modules

    • local service integrations - KOSKI, Diploma register (past)

    • competence profile (present)

    • suggestions - education opportunities (future)


    • EDUFI: Annica, Marcus, Outi
    • Reaktor 



    • Gradia: Tarja
    • EDUFI: Annica, Topias
    • UOulu:
    • CSC:  Antti, Anu



    LinkLinkLinkReady? LinkedDeveloping and releasing the initial version of the Beta prototype (Beta part 1) by Month 18 and the full Beta version (Beta part 2) by Month 22); Developing and releasing the initial version of the Beta prototype (Beta part 1) by Month 18 and the full Beta version (Beta part 2) by Month 22);


    Link to communication calendar and stakeholder management

    Deliverable 26 Three prototypes (modules)

    Deliverable 29 Pilot deployment of learner plan prototype

    Deliverable 15: Desk research - re-submitted by March 14th EDUFI                 
    Deliverable 18: DEtailed description of the user scenarios - re-submitted by March 14th  EDUFI                 
    Deliverable 35: Stakeholder Management plan - re-submitted by March 14th  DUO                 

    Deliverable 14: Risk management plan - re-submitted by March 14th 

    D14 should be resubmitted and include a contingency plan to mitigate the delays in WP3 and reach the stated project objectives.


    Provide additional documents concerning the Development of the Beta prototype (WP3) - by M18:

    (Developing and releasing the initial version of the Beta prototype (Beta part 1) by Month 18 and the full Beta version (Beta part 2) by Month 22);

    - Detailing the criteria adopted for selecting key functionalities to be developed in the Beta version;

    - Developing a detailed plan for the piloting of the Beta prototype (WP3);

    - Developing a detailed deployment plan of the Beta prototype (WP4).


    EDUFI + others contributing                 

    "Living documents" – reference to the Grant Agreement – Description of the Action, table 2) Deliverables, page 23: Deliverables with an open "Delivery date", for example: M6-M18:, the draft deliverable should be uploaded on the Eduuni workspace and updated regularly. Submission to the EC in the last due month.


    • Del 9 Project management and steering group meetings M1-M24


    • Del 20 M12-M18
    • Del21 M6-M18
    • Del24 M7-M18
    • Del26 M10-M18


    • Del 27 M17-M22
    • Del 28 M17-M22
    • Del 29 M17-M22
    • Del 30 M20-M22
    •  Del 31 M20-M22
    • Del 32 M20-M22
    • Del 33 M20-M23


    • Del 38 M3-M24
    • Del 39 M6-M24 
    Compleap- Europass case study (WP5)


    DUO: Vera, Monique

    Deliverables across work packages   

    Deliverable 18 Detailed description of the user scenarios with guidelines and advice for developers in WP3

    Deliverable 21 Feedback and specifications to user scenarios

    Deliverable 25 Technical documentation, including glossary, model and architecture

    Deliverable 24 Open source code for all components, including example code

