Logging in

Q: I can't log in to Peppi. 

A: Make sure that you write your username in the correct form account@student.oulu.fi.  Empty the web browser cache and try again. See more information about log in here

Registration for course implementation/realization.

Q: How do I sign up for courses?

A: Please refer to the instructions for registration here.

Scheduling studies

Q: How can i check if the schedule of the implementation fits in my timetable?

A: You can follow the implementation in Tuudo to see, if it fits your timetable (intstruction in link).

Student number

Q: I can't find my student number in Peppi or it is not in use. 

A: In Peppi your old student number from Oodi is no longer in use. Each of your study rights has an individual study right number in Peppi. Read more about study right number.


Q: I don't see all/at all my own credits.

A: Check if you have noticed all your different study rights? Read instructions on credits here

Q: Credits are under the wrong study right

A: Credits can be transferred from one study right to another. Please contact your own Faculty's Academic Affairs Service Team.


Q: My PSP is empty and I can't find my studies in it.

A: Have you checked that you have opened the study right that you wish to examine? Read instructions on study rights here. If this doesn't help, contact your faculty's Academic Affairs Service team. Be patient and don't worry - your request will be dealt as soon as possible! 

Q: When is the right time to send my PSP to the tutor teacher for comments?

A: Your own degree programme may have deadlines for first year students when they should send the edited PSP to the tutor teacher. Usually the first commenting takes place around middle of the Autumn term. It is good to keep your PSP updated all times and ask for comments from the tutor teacher when you need help. Read PSP instructions here.

Contact or personal information

Q: My first name (name of address) is wrong in Peppi.

A: Please contact your own Faculty's Academic Affairs Service Team.

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