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Open Access to publications can be examined both in terms of sheer numbers and relative shares. Analysis tools offer possibilities to examine Open Access publications and their impact. There are many different definitions of openness. Often databases are not able to register openness implemented through self-archiving. See further information in the chapter Open access to publications.

Indicators of open publishing in international databases

Most databases offer quantitative data about open publishing. In addition to overall openness, it is often possible to receive quantitative information about the different types of openness. Typically, these types or categories are gold OA, bronze OA and green OA. The definitions of openness used by different sources may differ a great deal.

Analysis tools allow for examining whether the citation impact of open access publications differs from that of ‘closed’ access publications. It is usually possible to examine the citation quantities, average citation quantities and normalised citation quantities of both open and closed publications and make comparisons of their trends.

Publication indicators of the Finnish national monitoring model for open science

In Finland, the development of open science and research in organisations is monitored by applying a new monitoring model. The first monitoring round was in 2022. In the next monitoring round in 2024 data will be collected much more extensively. The monitoring model includes various indicators that help review the different areas of open science, such as its policies and services. The necessary information about the indicators mentioned above will be collected through a survey.

Some of the indicators used in the monitoring process apply to publications by organisations. Indicators related to open publications in the first monitoring round are as follows:

  • Percentage of scientific articles with instant open access to all publishing activity (category A of Ministry of Education and Cultures’ publication data collection, excluding type A3, and open access in OA/hybrid channels and as self-archiving)
  • Percentage of self-archiving and open access of all publishing activity (category A of Ministry of Education and Cultures’ publication data collection, excluding type A3, and types B1, B3, D1, D3 and E1) 
  • Openly accessible articles in professional journals and popular publications (types B1, B3, D1, D3 and E1 of Ministry of Education and Cultures’ publication data collection)

The information on the openness of the publications will be collected from the VIRTA service.

Additionally, data will be collected regarding the quantity of open learning materials. Some of the learning materials are considered publications.

The results of the monitoring round will be published on the page Science and research in Finland.

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