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There are plenty of evaluation tools available for evaluating publication channels. In this guide, we will only present the key tools from the perspective of Finnish research organisations.

For Finnish research organisations, the key tool for evaluating publication channels is Publication Forum, which has been used since 2015 as part of the university funding model introduced by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Publication Forum aims to cover all peer reviewed publication channels and scientific publishers that researchers from Finnish research organisations have used. Journal Citation Reports by Clarivate Analytics must also be mentioned as it contains plenty of data about journals indexed to the Web of Science database. The third evaluation tool to be presented in this guide is Cabells Scholarly Analytics, which offers indicators and information for choosing publication channels in particular. This tool is also currently the most reliable source for identifying predatory journals. The chapter also includes brief overviews of a few other tools used for evaluating publication channels.

The content of the chapter

Notes for assessing the evaluation tools of publication channels

When assessing publication channels, you should keep in mind that there are plenty of evaluation tools available and not all of them are reliable. In most cases, this untrustworthiness is related to the so-called predatory publishers or journals, which aim to enhance their quality in dishonest ways by using the indicators offered by fake analysis tools. Most commonly, these tools offer indicators that resemble the Journal Impact Factor indicator produced by Clarivate Analytics and that may even have exactly the same name. The reason for this is a high appreciation of this indicator as a measure of the quality of the publication channel, which means that journals consider it worthwhile using even questionable methods to achieve it.

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