To edit the exam, go to Active exams. Click at the name of the exam to open and edit it.

The questions and the exam period can be edited although the exam has been published. After a student has signed up for the exam, editing possibilities are limited, amongst other things shortening of the exam period is not possible. The software informs you if editing is not possible.

The editing of questions does not affect the exams already taken, but it affects coming exams (e.g. exams reserved but not yet started).

When an exam has closed, it can be found under the tab Archived exams. The teacher can re-open it by clicking the name of the exam and the tab Publish. Change the date in the calendar.

You can copy an exam and make changes to it.

If a student has reserved time for a personal exam but not shown up for it or if the student needs to retake the exam, the examiner must make a new copy of the original exam (i.e. a new direct link to the exam is created).