CompLeap aims to build a learner-centred ecosystem of digital services and products around skills and competences to better match competence supply and labour market needs, serving individual citizens, employers, decision-makers and, ultimately, the society at large. More specifically, the project aims to empower the citizen to take ownership of their competence development by offering them an opportunity to plan their own learner pathway based on enhanced self-awareness, improved recognition practices and responsive education offer. Furthermore, the competence formation will be based on national competence requirements reflecting the needs of the labor market.

The project objectives are as follows:

1. To study and develop an integrated and holistic learner-centred digitalised ecosystem framework that will look beyond existing, often siloed, structures
2. To tailor the functionality of this framework so that it is suitable across Europe
3. To technologically build prototypes of this ecosystem

4. To deploy the developed ecosystem through networks

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Project's timeline

Other timelines 2018-2019

Autumn 2019 important meetings, workdays and check-points

Autumn 2018 important meetings, workdays and check-points

Events 2018-2019 to participate in

Recent space activity

Space contributors