9.30-10.30OpenID Connect -protokollan esittely 


Tarvittavien ohjelmistokomponenttien asentaminen ja konfigurointi. Ensimmäisen luottosuhteen muodostaminen.
12.30-13.30Käyttäjätunnistus OpenID Connect -protokollalla.
13.30-14.30Käyttäjäattribuuttien määrittäminen ja muodostaminen OpenID Connect -protokollalla.
14.45-15.30Käyttäjäattribuuttien välittäminen palveluille ja niiden pyytäminen.


  • Introduction to OAuth2 and OIDC
  • Project resources (releases, documentation and source code)
  • Support channels
  • Tutorial logistics

Introduction to OAuth2 and OIDC

Project resources

Support channels

Shibboleth mailing lists:

GitHub issues

Tutorial logistics

Everybody should have a paper note containing IP address and a password for cloud-user

The virtual machines are running CentOS 7 with the following software already installed


  1. Verify that you can log in to your virtual machine
    1. SSH-connection to the IP address as cloud-user with the given password

      # ssh cloud-user@IP_ADDRESS

  2. Restart the shibboleth-idp service

    [vagrant@gn43-oidcshibop-devel ~]$ sudo su
    [root@gn43-oidcshibop-devel vagrant]# systemctl stop shibboleth-idp
    [root@gn43-oidcshibop-devel vagrant]# systemctl start shibboleth-idp

  1. Verify from the logs that it starts up without errors

    [root@gn43-oidcshibop-devel vagrant]# tail -f /opt/shibboleth-idp/logs/idp-process.log
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,509 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.context.FilesystemGenericApplicationContext:583] - Refreshing shibboleth.ReloadableAccessControlService: startup date [Fri Sep 28 22:35:50 UTC 2018]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,562 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.service.ReloadableSpringService:421] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableAccessControlService': Completed reload and swapped in latest configuration for service 'shibboleth.ReloadableAccessControlService'
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,562 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.service.ReloadableSpringService:428] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableAccessControlService': Reload complete
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,576 - INFO [] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableAccessControlService': Reload time set to: 300000, starting refresh thread
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,585 - INFO [] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableCASServiceRegistry': Performing initial load
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,585 - INFO [] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableCASServiceRegistry': Reloading service configuration
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,587 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.util.SchemaTypeAwareXMLBeanDefinitionReader:317] - Loading XML bean definitions from file [/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/cas-protocol.xml]
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,596 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.context.FilesystemGenericApplicationContext:583] - Refreshing shibboleth.ReloadableCASServiceRegistry: startup date [Fri Sep 28 22:35:50 UTC 2018]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,647 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.service.ReloadableSpringService:421] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableCASServiceRegistry': Completed reload and swapped in latest configuration for service 'shibboleth.ReloadableCASServiceRegistry'
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,660 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.service.ReloadableSpringService:428] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableCASServiceRegistry': Reload complete
    2018-09-28 22:35:50,672 - INFO [] - Service 'shibboleth.ReloadableCASServiceRegistry': Reload time set to: 900000, starting refresh thread
    2018-09-28 22:35:51,184 - WARN [] - Use of secure and httpOnly properties are strongly advisable, currently one or both are false
    2018-09-28 22:35:51,911 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.context.DelimiterAwareApplicationContext:583] - Refreshing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'idp-servlet': startup date [Fri Sep 28 22:35:51 UTC 2018]; parent: Root WebApplicationContext
    2018-09-28 22:35:51,943 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.resource.ConditionalResource:87] - ConditionalResource conditional:/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/mvc-beans.xml: getInputStream failed on wrapped resource
    2018-09-28 22:35:51,944 - INFO [net.shibboleth.ext.spring.resource.ConditionalResource:87] - ConditionalResource conditional:/opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/mvc-beans.xml: getInputStream failed on wrapped resource
    2018-09-28 22:35:52,832 - INFO [net.shibboleth.idp.authn.impl.RemoteUserAuthServlet:215] - RemoteUserAuthServlet will process REMOTE_USER, along with attributes [] and headers []