version: 21.6.2020

MPASSid SAML 2.0 profile 

SAML profile is used to ensure that all the identity provides and services in a trust network can interoperate with each other. This is achieved by defining a subset from a much larger SAML2 standard and specifying certain functionalities in greater detail. When all the services follow the same guidelines we can build  a trust network with best possible operational reliability and predictability.

MPASSid follows in relevant parts saml2int deployment profile. More detailed definitions to MPASSid trust network are as follows:

More information about SAML2 protocol and saml2int:

MPASSid OIDC profile

When a service (relying party) wants to join MPASSid trust network using OIDC they must provide redirect URI:s, authentication method and authorization flow they want to use. Default authentication method is "client_secret_basic" and authorization flow is "code". If your application needs heightened security  consider using public keys as an authentication method ("private_key_jwt")  instead of shared secret. Using implicit flow is not recommended in MPASSid trust network.

Native apps such as mobile (Android/IOS) or SPA-solutions should use dedicated tools like AppAuth or any other supported library which implements secure solution for authentication for example PKCE standard

Information needed for authentication (such as public keys, when using "private_key_jwt"-method) must  be send to the operator at address . In exchange Opetushallitus/EDUFI will provide connection information to the relying party. This can be for example client_id and client_secret.

Other adjustments to the standard are:

Note! We recommend using only certificated implementations of libraries and SDK:s when building solutions for MPASSid trust network. List of available software can be found here: 

MPASSid configuration:

More information abot OpenID Connect: