
This workshop is organised as part of the GEANT3plus project. The responsible GEANT3plus task team is "Campus Best Practices" (NA3/T2).

This event contact email address is: funet-events (at)

Venue and date



Welcome letter

Requirements of IT services are growing. Costs drive to seeking more efficient solutions taking into account the availability requirements. Is your datacenter full, old, and energy consuming? Is building new space the only option or could infra as a service be a better solution?

A wide range of cloud services is available. What kind of technology is behind these solutions? What is required to build own cloud? Is it worthwhile to build your own cloud or is joint procurement a better choice? What if the services are outsourced, how to ensure high quality of services? How can energy efficiency be ensured when capacity is obtained as a service? This workshop tries to find answers to the above questions.

The participants are challenged to ask questions from the speakers and discuss with each other to find out the critial areas of datacenter IaaS procurement. If such areas exist.

The workshop is open to anyone and will be held 11-12.9.2014 in Helsinki Finland.


The intended target audience is the network engineers working with deployment of IT-services on campuses and NREN staff involved in datacenter and campus deployment.

The program of the workshop consists of the following themes:

Welcome to the workshop!


On behalf of the program committee,

Janne Oksanen



Call for Presentations

The GN3plus Datacenter IaaS workshop 2014 organizers ask the community to contribute to the event by presenting their results, experiences and success stories on the deployment and usage of datacenter and cloud solutions. The workshop is arranged in Helsinki between September 11th and 12th, 2014.

Submission guidelines

The author contact details and short abstract are asked to be submitted electronically to the reviewers by August 15th, 2014 23:00 EET. The authors of the selected papers are contacted for arranging the practicalities.

For more information, please, contact the reviewers.

The submission e-mail address is: funet-events (at)

  • Call for presentation is opened: April 15th, 2014
  • Submission deadline: August 1st, 2014
  • Approval: August 6th, 2014
  • Presentation date: September 15th, 2014



Registration page


This is an agenda with suggested topics.

Note: All topics and times can be changed at any time (at this point)


The Thursday and Friday program is webcasted.

Instruction: Click on the link (below) and you can log on your own ACP user name and password, if you have them. If you do not have ACP user name and password, click on “Enter as a Guest” and type your name. If the system wants to install itself, click OK. This should happen at the first time only.

<link>: (link is not published yet)

Day 1  
09:00Reception opens 
10:00-10:15OpeningJari Miettinen/CSC
SESSION IGreen datacenter technologies  N.N.
10:15-10:35Modular DC solutions N.N.
10:35-10:55  N.N.
10:55-11:15  N.N.
11:15-11:35  N.N.
11:35-12:35Lunch break 


Practical information

There will be special prices for participant to these hotels. More information will follow.

You can find more hotels by using e.g. or services.