Here you will find information how as a double degree student you can include your previous studies to your study right.

Inclusion refers to the inclusion of studies completed at another Finnish or foreign university as an integral part of a degree programme, in which case equivalence of contents is not required but the studies must be at a level that complies with the curriculum and they must correspond to the learning competencies required in the degree programme. A course or study module completed elsewhere is accepted into the degree programme as it is. 

Send inclusion application to your Degree Programme Director.

Anything on the application marked with an red asterisk * are mandatory.

  1. Move to the Recognition of Learning function on the toolbar by clicking the book icon.

  2. Click new application.

  3. Fill in the guidance discussion information if necessary. In this discussion it is checked that you can apply recognition of learning with your previous studies or knowledge.

    You can discuss about your credit transfer with for example PSP counselor, degree programme's Education designer, Tutor teacher or other person in charge from your Faculty. 

    If you had a guidance discussion, fill in the date of the guidance discussion and the person you had the discussion with. If you want, you can write additional information for example the content of the discussions or agreements made during the discussion.

    If you didn't have a guidance discussion, leave the fields empty.

  4. Click save draft and start filling the application.

  1. Click +Add place of performance button under title Places of performance

  2. Choose type Educational institute.

    Choose place of performance type Foreign Higher Education Institutions.

    Choose place of performance The university where you completed your studies.

    You can write the name of the degree programme to Name of the study or leave the field empty.

    If you want, you can write a more detailed description in the description fields.

    Add a transcript of records as an attachment.

    Click save.

  3. If you can't find your university in the menu, mark the place of performance cannot be found in the menu and write the name of the university to Name of the place of performance field in the original language and in English.

  1. Click +Add previously completed study button under title Studies or knowledge

  2. Choose credit transfer type Inclusion.

    Choose handler the degree programme director. Please check the name of your Degree Programme Director from Patio: File Programmes, programme directors and education designers.

    Click +Add study module button.

  3. Add a course code, for example A1.

    Name the module as Studies in the University of X (name of the university). You can write the module's name in English in the both fields (original name and in English). Be careful and specific when you name the module. The name will be registered to Peppi as it is informed on the application.

    Fill in the fields. Use period (e.g. 4.5) as a decimal separator in the course credits. 

    Add pass to assessment field.

    Date of completion:
    Check the date of completion from the transcript of the records. If you don't know the official date of completion, use the day when you fill out the application. 

    Click Add button.

  4. If you save your application in this stage and want to continue later, notice that the module has changed into a study and you need to change it back to a module.

    When you continue to fill out the application, click pencil icon.

    Click folder icon to change study into study module.

  1. Add a study to the module by clicking + button.

  2. Fill in the fields. Check the course code from the transcript of records.

    Use period (e.g. 4.5) as a decimal separator in the course credits. 

    Date of completion: Check the date of completion from the transcript of the records. If you don't know the official date of completion, use the day when you fill in the application. 

    Click Add button.

  3. Add as many studies to the module as necessary. You will see the added studies in the end of the module as in the picture. You can edit the study by clicking pencil icon on the right.

  4. You can choose the location of the module. If you don't choose, studies will automatically transfer to the "External studies module" before editing the PSP.

  5. Click save.

  6. Click Submit application.