In addition, the classification includes a limited number of conferences listed under the name of the event, the type of channel in this case being "conference". The panel 2 (Computer and information science) and 9 (Electrical and Electronic engineering, information engineering) can classify a conference separately in cases where the level of the main publishing channel, ie the publisher (e.g. IEEE or ACM) or the publication series (e.g. LNCS), does not reflect the true level of the publications of the specific conference. Conferences that have their own publication series with ISSN that only publish proceedings of this conference will be treated as journals/series with the name registered at the ISSN Center (only if the ISSN is actually included in the publications). For conferences that do not have their own (active) ISSN-recognized publishing series, either a publication series with ISSN (in the case of a journal or a book series specializing in proceedings) or an ISBN-based book publisher is primarily identified as a publishing channel.