Adding studies to your PSP

You can choose courses to your PSP, which are not included in you current PSP.

If you are unsure about which courses you can take, ask your faculty's study services or your tutor teacher for more information.

  1. Open your PSP and choose the Selecting studies tab. 
  2. Search for new courses by clicking the magnifying glass icon on the right side of the title row (blue or gray rows) under which you want to place the course (Picture 1).
  3. On the screen opens Study search. (Picture 2)
    1. Search for courses based on the type of the course, degree program, field of education, or degree title
    2. You can also browse the courses listed. You can check with the study guide to ensure that the courses you have selected are part of your degree program's curriculum. 
    3. Cross-institutional studies can also be searched by selecting cross-institutional studies as the search option below the search function.
  4. Click Add to basket (Picture 2) on the course you want to add to your PSP.
  5. After you have selected all the wanted studies, click Add selected to PSP (Picture 3). The course you have added can then be found under the title you previously chose. 
  • You can remove a wrongly selected course by clicking the trash can icon on the right side of the course.
  • By clicking the Add to comparison button, you can read more information about the course and compare, for example, the content descriptions of two different courses.
  • In elective studies, you can hide courses from your official PSP plan if you wish.
    • When the slider on the right is green, the course is visible on the PSP Inspection tab.
    • If you are unsure about completing the course but do not want to remove it from your PSP, you can hide it on the Selecting studies tab by clicking the slider to red. You can make the hidden course visible on your PSP again by clicking the slider.

Adding minor studies to your PSP

You can find instructions for choosing a minor subject on Minor studies

You can check the minor studies from the Study Guide's Minor subjects and other modules tab.

  1. Open your PSP and choose the Selecting studies tab. 
  2. Search for minor studies by clicking the magnifying glass icon on the right side of the title row (blue or gray rows) under which you want to place the minor study module (Picture 1).
  3. The Study Search will open on the screen (Picture 2). Search for minor studies through the search box.
    1. The identifier for minor subject modules starts with SA. For example, SA2024 minor subject studies are for the academic year 2024-2025. 
    2. Type the name or part of the name of the minor subject after the identifier.
    3. Select the study module from the search results. You can recognize the study module by the numerical series at the end of the identifier, such as -1001.
    4. You can check the correct identifier from the Study Guide by clicking the title of the minor subject study module (Picture 4 and Picture 5).
  4. Click Add to basket (Picture 2) on the minor study module you want to add to your PSP.
  5. After you have selected all the wanted studies, click Add selected to PSP (Picture 3). The minor study module you have added can then be found under the title you previously chose.



Picture 1: Add studies by clicking the magnifying glass

Picture 2: Study search

Picture 3: Add selected to PSP

Picture 4: Minor study module on the Study Guide

Picture 5: The identifier of the study module

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