
Personnel in University of Oulu uses Peppi for managing study information, planning the studies, assessing studies etc. As a student you use Peppi for planning your studies, course registrations, viewing the room reservations and following up your study progression.

As a student you will operate in Peppi via the student's desktop-view. You can move between different pages of Peppi by using the options on the student's desktop.

You always operate one study right's information at a time (Picture 1). When you log in Peppi, first choose the study right, which information you want to operate.

  • On the top right corner of the student's desk top there is a small profile picture. Next to that is your name.
  • Move the mouse pointer on to your name. A window including information about your study rights will open.
  • Click the name of the study right, and all the information you see in your Peppi will be related to that study right.

On the top left corner of the desktop there is the icon of student's desktop (a white doctoral hat on a blue box). On the right side of the icon there is a navigation menu through which you can move between different pages. (Picture 2)

You can also move between items on the bottom view of the student's desktop. Each item is shown as blue circle. Inside the circle there is the icon of the item. Under the circle is the headline and a short description of the item. 

On the left side of the workspace there is a box named Study right information. (Picture 3) Here is the amount of the credits you have completed compared to the goal of credits on your study right. There is also your srudy right period.

There is also Accomplishments (Picture 4) diagram which shows you yous completed credits compared to your and school's objective. Hide items by clicking their headline.

My information

On the top right corner of the student's desk top there is a small profile picture. Next to that is your name. Move the mouse pointer on to your name. A window including information about your study rights will open. (Picture 1)

Click Edit profile or Settings (Picture 5) to go to your personal information. Move between different information pages by clicking the pages on the left side.

Personal details

In personal details there are listed your name, date of birth, language of school education etc. You have no access to edit this information by yourself. If there are changes that need to be done, contact your faculty's Study Services.

Contact information

On the contact information you can find your e-mail address, phone number, street address, home address and invoicing address. You can edit the information by clicking the edit contact information -button. Fill in the edits and save. You can cancel edits by clicking cancel or the x.

Please note that the first e-mail address is the one issued by the University and you are not able to edit this information. Also, if you in addition to having a study right also have a work contract with the university the first address will be the one connected to your work status i.e. ending with (at) 

If you have a non-disclosure for personal safety reasons do not insert your mailing address to Peppi.

Data distributions 

You can edit the permission to use your data for direct marketing and educational marketing. You can also decide whether to allow data distribution for the internet publication about those who have received a study place. If you want to make changes, click edit data permissions. Fill in the changes and save. You can cancel edits by clicking cancel or the x.

Next of kin

Students should add at least one person as a next of kin. Next of kin is a person who is contacted for example in an emergency if the student is unable to contact close relatives. 

Click add next of kin. Fill in the asked information and save. You can cancel edits by clicking cancel or the x.


On the settings you can change the user interface language and content language visible to you in Peppi. You can edit language settings by clicking edit settings and save. You can cancel edits by clicking cancel or the x.

You can also change your Peppi profile picture. Click change profile picture. Search the picture from you computer and choose it. Save or cancel edits by clicking cancel or the x. 

Study right infomation

On the settings page is your name and the name of the study right, that the information on the site is related to. You can change the entitlement on the menu under your name. (Picture 6)

Study rights

On the study rights you can read information considering your entitlement. You can not edit the information. If the information must be changed, please contact Academic Affairs.


Your yearly attendance information is collected on this site. You can not edit this information.


Clicking here you move on PSP site. You will end up to the same site where you have access on the student's desktop via navigation menu or clicking the PSP-icon on the desktop. Go to the PSP instructions.

ECTS credits

Clicking here you will move to examine your assessments.You can not edit this information.


On the mobility site there is information considering your international mobility. On the site there is a list about your participations on student exchange programs. You can not edit this information.

Study right collections

Here is information about your study right collections. You can not edit this information.

Picture 1: Study rights

Picture 2: Navigation menu

Picture 3: Study right information

Picture 4: Accomplishments

Picture 5: Edit profile

Picture 6: Study rights

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