Each of your study rights gets its own study right number. You may have several study right numbers.
Use the study right number always, when you are asked for a student number. You should learn the study right number by memory, because you are going to need it.
Always register on courses and implementations by the right study right number!
- For example: if you have study rights for both Bachelor's and Master's degree, and you are completing studies to the Bachelor's degree, you have to register to the courses with Bachelor degree's study right number. This way you will receive tour credits under your Bachelor's study right.
Study right number in Peppi
You can find all your study right numbers in Peppi. Move the mouse pointer on the profile picture icon on the right corner of student's desktop. A window will open, where you can see all your study right numbers. (Picture 1)
Click the name of the study right, and all the information you see in your Peppi will be related to that study right.
Study rigth number in Tuudo and Pivo
You can check your active study right's number in Tuudo's electronic student card. (Picture 2)
Open Tuudo and the electronic student card by the wallet icon, which is next to your name. After this click the i-icon, that appears on the right down corner. Then Click the QR-code icon. On the screen there will be a QR-code and underneath your information, including study right number.
If you have an Student ID (European OID), you can also see that under the study right number.
The study right number can also be checked from Pivo app. Read morea about student card in Pivo here.