- Created by Elina Luokkanen, last updated on Sep 16, 2024 22 minute read
Completed studies/modules can be copied from one study right to another if the studies are same as in your current PSP/faculty’s curriculum. For example: You have a study named Financial Mathematics in your PSP and you have completed a study named Financial Mathematics on another study right. In this case, you can ask the study to be copied to your current study right. Contact the Academic Affairs Services and inform your current study right and the study right with which you have completed the study. Read more about copying here.
Before filling in the application, check which application you need to submit. You can apply:
- replacement (send the application to Responsible Person of the course)
- Replacement means that the previous studies or learning demonstrated in other ways corresponds to the competences of a course that is in the PSP. Replacement requires correspondence in terms of contents with the learning competencies of a course or study module in the personal study plan. The studies can be completed at another Finnish or foreign university.
- inclusion (send the application to your Degree Programme Director)
- Inclusion refers to the inclusion of studies completed at another Finnish or foreign university as an integral part of a degree programme, in which case equivalence of contents is not required but the studies must be at a level that complies with the curriculum and they must correspond to the learning competencies required in the degree programme. A course or study module completed elsewhere is accepted into the degree programme as it is.
- exemption (send the application to Responsible Person of the course)
- Exemption applies to language studies
Anything on the application marked with an red asterisk * are mandatory.
- Start making a new application by logging in to Peppi. Before filling in the application, check that you log in to Peppi with the right study right. You can change your study right from the top right corner of the page. A list of study rights opens under your name. Choose the study right you want the credit transfers to be registered.
- Move to the Recognition of Learning function on the toolbar by clicking the book icon.
- Click new application.
- Fill in the guidance discussion information if necessary. In this discussion it is checked that you can apply recognition of learning with your previous studies or knowledge.
You can discuss about your credit transfer with for example PSP counselor, degree programme's Education designer, Tutor teacher or other person in charge from your Faculty.
If you had a guidance discussion, fill in the date of the guidance discussion and the person you had the discussion with. If you want, you can write additional information for example the content of the discussions or agreements made during the discussion.
If you didn't have a guidance discussion, leave the fields empty. - Click save draft and start filling the application.
Add the place of performance on the application. First choose the type.
If you apply for exemption choose other as the type.
- Fill in the details of the education institute.
- Choose the place of performance type from the drop-down menu.
- Choose the place of performance.
For example Universities of Applied Sciences → Arcada University of Applied Sciences or Open universities → University of Oulu. - Write the name of the degree programme you have studied to Name of the degree programme field.
- If you want, you can write a more detailed description in the description fields.
- Choose from the place of performance type drop-down menu Companies or Organizations.
- Check the box "Employer can not be found in the menu".
- Write the name of employer to Name of the employer/other field in Finnish and in English (if there is no Finnish name, write in English to both boxes). Pay attention to spelling. The information is saved in the register.
- Write to Job Title/other field your job title for example Project manager or Trainee. Pay attention to spelling. The information is saved in the register
- If you want, you can write more details in descriptions field.
- Fill in the description of knowledge to be acquired compared to objectives. Its is important that the information here is specific so that the person making the decision gets enough information for making an agreement of your application.
- Choose the place of performance type from the drop-down menu outside formal education.
- Check the box "Employer/other place can not be found in the menu".
- Write the name of the place of performance to Name of the employer/other field in Finnish and in English. If there is no Finnish name, write in English to both boxes. Pay attention to spelling. The information is saved in the register.
- Write the name/good description of other learning to Job title/other field. If there is no Finnish name, write in English to both boxes. For example "Position of trust" or "Continuing education" or "Recreational activities". Pay attention to spelling. The information is saved in the register.
- If you want, you can write more details in descriptions field.
- Write down very specifically "The description of knowledge to be acquired compared to learning objectives". Its is important that the information here is specific so that the person making the decision gets enough information for making an agreement of your application.
If you apply for exemption, follow the instructions below:
- Choose outside formal education as the place of performance type.
- Put a mark next to the option the place of performance cannot be found in the menu.
- Write down to Name of the employer/other and Job title/other fields a name of your choice related to your application or the reason for the exemption.
- If you want, you can write more details in descriptions field.
- Add attachments to the application.
You can add attachments to the application at the end of the window Add a place of performance.
The process will be faster if you add needed attachments right away. You can add several attachments.
- Documentation of education
- Such as certified copies of certificates and transcripts of records; pdf-copies of the original.
- Titles of programmes/courses must be provided in English (NOTE! Must be official translations from the higher education institution).
- Course descriptions
- Containing information on course content, learning outcomes, learning methods, literature and credits.
- If a description is not available in Finnish, Swedish or English, the applicant must provide one in English. Descriptions need to have sources clearly listed.
- Applicants with a completed degree must attach a copy of the Diploma or Certificate (pdf-copies of the original) and, at least, the title of the degree earned in English (contained, for example, in the Diploma Supplement).
If the degree certificate is not available in Finnish, Swedish or English, the applicant must provide a translation in English.
- A certificate of a study module (e.g. basic studies of a psychology, 25 credits).
- For studies in a foreign higher education institution, the student must provide an account of the extent of the studies in credits and the number of study hours required for the credits, the grading scale used at the university and a link to an explanation of the exchange university’s grading scale on the university website.
- Other relevant documentation to establish equivalent learning.
Any relevant documentation to prove equivalent learning e.g.
- employment certificate in pdf
- course certificate pdf
- publication
- learning diary
- confidential post certificate etc.
When you add previously completed study, check from the earlier transcript of records
- code of the previous study
- name of the study. For example if you have completed a study in French in France, write the original name in French and the name in English.
- Note that the name is registered in Peppi as you write it on the application.
Replacement means that the previous studies or learning demonstrated in other ways corresponds to the competences of a course that is in the PSP. Previous studies can be completed at Finnish or foreign higher education institutions.
Replacement requires correspondence in terms of contents with the learning competencies of a course or study module in the personal study plan.
A student can apply for full replacement of a course when they have completed enough studies so that the shortfall is no more than one credit between the course attainment to be replaced in full and the already completed course attainment, if the learning competencies of the course attainments match each other.
The replacement is recorded in accordance with the number of credits of the course or study module being replaced.
It is very important that the studies have been added to the application correctly, because this affects how the studies will appear on the student's transcript. Before applying, please find out what type of application you should make. If the application is not made correctly, it will be returned to the student for editing and correction.
Don't add special marks on the fields (for example &, %, /).
If possible, always inform the assessment as ECTS. Don't add special marks on the fields (for example percentage numbers without percentage mark 65% → 65).
Always add the ID of the course on the application. You can find the course ID on the transcript of study records. If there is no course ID concerning the earlier acquired knowledge, add numbers 0000 to the ID field. The ID field must not be left empty.
Ignoring the instructions above will create technical errors on the application.
Make a separate application for each course. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course.
- Click "Add previously completed study" under the headline Studies or knowledge.
- Choose "Replacement" as the Credit transfer type.
Choose the person responsible for the course as a handler (do NOT choose for example education designer, education secretary or tutor teacher as a handler if they are not the person responsible for the course). - Click "Add study" under the headline "Previously completed studies".
- Fill in the fields.
Write the course code of the study that you have completed earlier on the "ID" field.
Write the name of the course you have completed earlier on the "Name" field. Write the name in original language and in English. NOTE! Check that you enter the course name correctly. The name of the course is registered in Peppi in the format you have indicated.
The "Places of performance" will suggest you the places of performance that you have earlier saved on your application.
Write in the justifications field why this application should be approved. Argue about what skills and what kind of targets the course had and how they fit in with the targets of the course that you wish to replace.
In the end click the blue "Add" button. You can still edit the information by changing it as a study module (the file-button), editing the information (pencil-button) or removing it (the X-button). - Drag the course to be replaced to the "Studies selected to application" module. You can delete the course you dragged on the X behind the name of the course.
- In the end click the blue "Save" button. The study will appear on your application. You can still edit it before sending the application forward.
You may continue editing the application later if you don't want to send the application right away. You can also delete the application by clicking "Delete application" on the top right corner of the page. The application is saved as a draft until you send it forward. If you click "Submit application", it is sent forward and you can no longer edit it.
Make a separate application for each course. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course.
- Click "Add previously completed study" under the headline Studies or knowledge.
- Choose "Replacement" as the Credit transfer type.
Choose the person responsible for the course as a handler (do NOT choose for example education designer, education secretary or tutor teacher as a handler if they are not the person responsible for the course). - Click "Add study" under the headline "Previously completed studies".
- Fill in the fields.
Write the course code of the study that you have completed earlier on the "ID" field.
Write the name of the course you have completed earlier on the "Name" field. Write the name in original language and in English. NOTE! Check that you enter the course name correctly. The name of the course is registered in Peppi in the format you have indicated.
The "Places of performance" will suggest you the places of performance that you have earlier saved on your application.
Write in the justifications field why this application should be approved. Argue about what skills and what kind of targets the course had and how they fit in with the targets of the course that you wish to replace.
In the end click the blue "Add" button. You can still edit the information by changing it as a study module (the file-button), editing the information (pencil-button) or removing it (the X-button). - Add another study. Click "Add study" under the headline "Previously completed studies".
- Fill in the fields.
- In the end click the blue "Add" button. You can still edit the information by changing it as a study module (the file-button), editing the information (pencil-button) or removing it (the X-button).
- Drag the course to be replaced to the "Studies selected to application" module. You can delete the course you dragged on the X behind the name of the course.
- In the end click the blue "Save" button. The study will appear on your application. You can still edit it before sending the application forward.
You may continue editing the application later if you don't want to send the application right away. You can also delete the application by clicking "Delete application" on the top right corner of the page. The application is saved as a draft until you send it forward. If you click "Submit application", it is sent forward and you can no longer edit it.
Make a separate application for each course you want to replace. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course. Read the instructions Multiple previously completed courses replace a course in the PSP.
Make a separate application for each course. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course.
- Click the "Add previously acquired knowledge" button under the headline Studies or knowledge.
Choose "Replacement" as the Credit transfer type.
Choose the person responsible for the course as a handler.
Click "Add knowledge" under the headline Previously acquires knowledge.
Fill in the fields. The "Places of performance" will suggest you the places of performance that you have earlier saved on your application. If necessary, you can add a new place of performance by clicking "Add".
On the "Justifications" field argue why your previously acquired knowledge should be approved. Compare your knowledge to the study goals of the course that you wish to replace.
In the end click the blue "Add" button. You can still edit the information by changing it as a study module (the file-button), editing the information (pencil-button) or removing it (the X-button).
Under the headline "Studies for which credit transfer is sought" choose the study which you want to replace. Drag the course to be replaced to the "Studies selected to application" module. You can delete the course you dragged on the X behind the name of the course.
In the end click the blue "Save" button. The study will appear on your application.
You may continue editing the application later if you don't want to send the application right away. You can also delete the application by clicking "Delete application" on the top right corner of the page. The application is saved as a draft until you send it forward. If you click "Submit application", it is sent forward and you can no longer edit it.
Make a separate application for each course. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course.
- Click the "Add previously acquired knowledge" button under the headline Studies or knowledge.
- Choose "Replacement" as the Credit transfer type.
Choose the person responsible for the course as a handler.
Click "Add knowledge" under the headline Previously acquires knowledge.
Fill in the fields. The "Places of performance" will suggest you the places of performance that you have earlier saved on your application. If necessary, you can add a new place of performance by clicking "Add".
On the "Justifications" field argue why your previously acquired knowledge should be approved. Compare your knowledge to the study goals of the course that you wish to replace.
In the end click the blue "Add" button. You can still edit the information by changing it as a study module (the file-button), editing the information (pencil-button) or removing it (the X-button).
- Add another knowledge. Click "Add knowledge" under the headline Previously acquires knowledge.
- Fill in the fields.
Under the headline "Studies for which credit transfer is sought" choose the study which you want to replace. Drag the course to be replaced to the "Studies selected to application" module. You can delete the course you dragged on the X behind the name of the course.
In the end click the blue "Save" button. The study will appear on your application.
You may continue editing the application later if you don't want to send the application right away. You can also delete the application by clicking "Delete application" on the top right corner of the page. The application is saved as a draft until you send it forward. If you click "Submit application", it is sent forward and you can no longer edit it.
Make a separate application for each course you want to replace. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course. Check the instructions Multiple previously acquired knowledge replace a course in the PSP.
Replacement can be registered on the basis of completed course or acquired knowledge, not both. Choose which one you want to use for the replacement.
Make a separate application for each course. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course.
Make a separate application for each course. In this way, the Responsible Person of the course can make a separate decision for each course.
A student may also apply for accreditation for a course, even if the scope of acquired learning does not meet the full scope of the course to be replaced. In this case, it is a question of partial replacement.
The teacher of the course evaluates the possibility of completing the course. The student may be required to complete an additional attainment if key learning competencies of the course would otherwise not be achieved. The responsible person of the course agrees with the student on how the student can demonstrate learning of the remaining part of the course. The teacher saves the agreement in the Agreement Bank.
Add previously completed course or acquired knowledge to the application. Write to Justifications that you are applying for partial replacement and why the application should be approved. Compare your experience to the study goals of the replaced course. Argue about what skills and what kind of targets the course had and how they fit in with the targets of the course that you wish to replace.
Under the headline "Studies for which credit transfer is sought" choose the study which you want to replace. In the end click the "Save" button and submit the application.
Discuss about replacement with your degree programme's academic affair services.
Inclusion refers to the inclusion of studies completed at another Finnish or foreign university as an integral part of a degree programme, in which case equivalence of contents is not required but the studies must be at a level that complies with the curriculum and they must correspond to the learning competencies required in the degree programme. A course or study module completed elsewhere is accepted into the degree programme as it is.
Don't add special marks on the fields (for example &, %, /).
If possible, always inform the assessment as ECTS. Don't add special marks on the fields (for example percentage numbers without percentage mark 65% → 65).
Always add the ID of the course on the application. You can find the course ID on the transcript of study records. If there is no course ID concerning the earlier aquired knowledge, add numbers 0000 to the ID field. The ID field must not be left empty.
Ignoring the instructions above will create technical errors on the application.
You can add inclusion only with previously completed studies, those of which you have a certificate or transcript of records. (Other learning can only be a replacement, not an inclusion.)
- Click the "Add previously completed study" button under the headline "Studies or knowledge"
.Choose "Inclusion" as the "Credit transfer type". As a handler choose the person responsible for your degree programme (do NOT choose for example education designer, education secretary or your tutor teacher as a handler)
Send the application to own Degree Programme Director. Please check the name of your Degree Programme Director from Patio: https://patio.oulu.fi/fi/palvelut-ja-ohjeet/koulutuksen-palvelut/koulutuksen-suunnittelu/tutkinto-ohjelmaportfolio (login with your O365 account). The process runs faster if the application is sent to the correct person.
- Click "Add study" under the "Previously completed studies."
- Fill in the fields. Write the course code of the study that you have completed earlier on the "ID" field. Write the name of the course you have completed earlier on the "Name" field. Write the name in original language and in English. NOTE! Check that you enter the course name correctly. The name of the course is registered in Peppi in the format you have indicated. The "Places of performance" will suggest you the places of performance that you have earlier saved on your application. If necessary, you can add a new place of performance by clicking "Add".
Write in the justifications field why this application should be approved. Argue about what skills and what kind of targets the course had. - In the end click the blue "Add" button. You can still edit the information (pencil-button) or removing it (the X-button).
- Under the headline "Location of included studies or knowledge in PSP" choose which part of your PSP you want to include the previously completed studies.
By clicking the "preview PSP" button you can check out the structure of you PSP and where your previously completed studies would be. Including studies will automatically transfer to the "External studies module" before editing the PSP. - In the end click the blue "Save" button. The previously completed study will appear on your application. You can still edit it before sending the application forward.
Sending the application
- You may continue editing the application later if you don't want to send the application right away. You can also delete the application by clicking "Delete application" on the top right corner of the page. The application is saved as a draft until you send it forward. If you click "Submit application", it is sent forward and you can no longer edit it.
Study modules should be added to an application only in special cases and only by using inclusion. The study module has to be compilated.
- Studies can be added under a named study module.
- Including study module should be used only when it’s sure that the module can be accepted as it is. The decision is given once for the whole module.
- Click the "Add previously completed study" button under the headline "Studies or knowledge".
Choose "Inclusion" as the Credit transfer type. As a handler choose the person responsible for your degree programme (do NOT choose for example education designer, education secretary or your tutor teacher as a handler).
Send the application to own Degree Programme Director. Please check the name of your Degree Programme Director from Patio: https://patio.oulu.fi/fi/palvelut-ja-ohjeet/koulutuksen-palvelut/koulutuksen-suunnittelu/tutkinto-ohjelmaportfolio (login with your O365 account). The process runs faster if the application is sent to the correct person.
- Use +Add study module to add the completed module to your application.
Fill in the fields. Be careful and specific when you name the module. The name will be registered to Peppi as it is informed on the application.
Click Add button.
If you save your application in this stage and want to continue later, notice that the module has changed into a study and you need to change it back to a module.
When you continue to fill out the application, click pencil icon.
Click folder icon to change study into study module. - Add a study to module by using + button.
Fill in the information. - Add as many studies to the module as necessary. Here is an example of a module with studies.
- You can choose the location of the module. If you don't choose, studies will automatically transfer to the "External studies module" before editing the PSP.
- Click save.
- Click Submit application.
Exemption applies to certain language studies. A student may be exempted from the language proficiency requirement of the second national language
- if they have completed their schooling in a language other than Finnish or Swedish
- completed their schooling abroad
- or if the student has been exempted from studying the second national language at lower levels of education (certificate of exemption).
- In addition, a student, for whom Finnish or Swedish is defined as the schooling language, may be exempted from the demonstration of skills in the second national language if they have, in view of the starting level requirement, a clearly insufficient number of successfully completed general upper secondary school studies in the second national language.
In such a case, the student is exempted from completing the studies in the second national language altogether, and the curriculum defines what studies the student needs to complete instead of these studies in order to achieve the degree requirement. The student must be informed that a person who lacks the course attainment on the knowledge of languages required of personnel in public bodies is not qualified for governmental/municipal posts in Finland.
In addition, exemption from the completion of the language studies included in the degree can be recommended for special reasons and organised through individual study arrangements. Such recommendations are based on the opinions of health care experts and an assessment by the study psychologist. The curriculum defines what studies the student needs to complete instead of these studies in order to achieve the degree requirement.
The exemption is granted by Languages and Communication.
- Click "Apply for an exemption from a language study" under the headline Studies or knowledge.
- On the "Study" field choose the study which you want exempt. You can choose studies from your PSP. Give reason for exemption and argue your exemption on the "Justifications" field.
As a handler mark the person in charge of the course (do NOT add for example education handler or tutor teacher as a handler unless they are working as a person in charge of the course). - Click "Save". The study will appear on your application. You can still edit it before sending the application forward.
Submitting the exemption application
- You may continue editing the application later if you don't want to send the application right away. You can also delete the application by clicking "Delete application" on the top right corner of the page.
- The application is saved as a draft until you send it forward. If you click "Submit application", it is sent forward and you can no longer edit it.
- No labels