- Created by Elina Luokkanen, last updated on Oct 24, 2023 14 minute read
Replacement application based on previously completed study
Replacement application based on previously completed study.mp4
This video is a guide for submitting a replacement application based on previously completed studies. Replacement means replacing a study listed in the student's personal study plan (PSP) with one or more previously completed studies. Replacement requires alignment with the learning objectives of the study in the PSP.
The video shows the front page of Peppi's student desktop. The view and functionalities of the student desktop always pertain to a specific study right. You may have multiple study rights. To start the process of credit transfer, select the study right for which you wish to apply for credit transfer. Click on your own name located in the upper right corner of the desktop. This will open a menu listing your study rights. Choose the study right for which you are applying for credit transfer by clicking on it. The desktop view will then switch to display the details of this study right
Go to apply for credit transfer by clicking on the recognition of learning icon in the top navigation bar of the desktop or hover your cursor over the icon in the navigation bar, which will open a menu where you can select recognition of learning. Begin filling out the application by clicking the New application button. If you have multiple studies in your personal study plan (PSP) that you wish to replace with previously completed studies, you will need to make a separate application for each study you want to replace. After clicking the New application button, a view of your study right details and guidance discussion will open. You can discuss the credit transfer with your PSP counselor, responsible person of the course, degree programme's Education designer or any other educational advisor. During the guidance discussion, your eligibility for credit transfer will be assessed. The view includes fields for the date of the guidance discussion, the person you discussed it with, and additional information. If you've had a guidance discussion, enter the details here. You can also add any relevant content or additional information discussed in the Additional Information field. If you haven't had a guidance discussion, leave these fields empty. Click the Save draft and start filling out application button to continue.
Next, add the place where you completed the study by clicking the Add place of performance button on the screen. Fill in the details of the place in the pop-up window. Select Educational Institution as the type. Choose the type and place from the drop down menus. Enter the name of the program you completed in the Name of the study field, or leave it empty. You can provide more detailed descriptions in the Description and Description of knowledge to be acquired compared to objectives fields if desired. There is a section at the bottom of the window to attach any necessary documents, such as a transcript of records. Finally, click the Save button.
If you completed replacing studies at multiple institutions, at this point, you can add another place of performance by clicking the Add place of performance button.
Next, add the details of the course you completed by clicking the Add previously completed study button on the left side of the screen. In the drop down menu under credit transfer type, select Replacement. Then, click the drop down menu under Choose handler and enter the name of the Responsible person of the course to be replaced. Confirm your selection by clicking on the name.
Click the Add study button next. Fill in the details of the study you completed in the pop-up window. Check the course code from your transcript. Enter the original and English names of the study you completed. Pay attention to the spelling, as names will be saved as entered in Peppi. In the Justifications field, briefly and clearly explain why the credit transfer should be accepted. For example, specify how the learning objectives of the studies you completed align with the learning objectives of the study you're replacing. Save the information to your application by clicking the Add button at the bottom of the window.
If you want to replace studies in your PSP with multiple previously completed studies, you can add another study at this stage by clicking the Add study button. Fill in the details of the new study and select the place of performance. You can also add a new place of performance by clicking Add and filling in the place of performance details, then clicking Save.
On the left side of the screen, you'll see details of the studies you've completed earlier, in the middle, you'll see your PSP, and on the right, you'll see the studies for which you're requesting credit transfer. In the middle section, click the plus button at the end of the row of the study you want to replace in your PSP and drag it to the box on the right called Studies selected to application. You can remove a study you've moved by clicking the cross button at the end of the row. In this view, you can also edit the details of the study you completed earlier. To enter the edit mode, click the pencil button on the right side of the screen. Once you've selected the study for credit transfer, click the Save button in the bottom right corner of the window.
On the left side of the screen, you'll see details of the study you completed earlier. You can edit this information by clicking the pencil button on the left side. On the right side, you'll see information about the study for which you're requesting credit transfer. Once your application is complete, click the Submit application button in the top right corner of the screen. A window will open, where the system will confirm if you want to submit the application. Click OK, and the application will be forwarded to the Responsible person of the course.
Replacement application based on previously acquired knowledge
Replacement application based on previously acquired knowledge.mp4
This video is a guide for submitting a credit transfer application based on previously acquired knowledge. Replacement means replacing a course listed in the student's personal study plan (PSP) with previously acquired knowledge. Replacement requires alignment with the learning objectives of the course in the PSP. In this example the previously acquired knowledge is based on work experience.
The video shows the front page of Peppi's student desktop. The view and functionalities of the student desktop always pertain to a specific study right. You may have multiple study rights. To start the process of credit transfer, select the study right for which you wish to apply for credit transfer. Click on your own name located in the upper right corner of the desktop. This will open a menu listing your study rights. Choose the study right for which you are applying for credit transfer by clicking on it. The desktop view will then switch to display the details of this study right
Go to apply for credit transfer by clicking on the recognition of learning icon in the top navigation bar of the desktop or hover your cursor over the icon in the navigation bar, which will open a menu where you can select recognition of learning. Begin filling out the application by clicking the New application button. If you have multiple courses in your PSP that you wish to replace with previously acquired knowledge, you will need to make a separate application for each course you want to replace. After clicking the New application button, a view of your study right details and guidance discussion will open. You can discuss the credit transfer with your PSP counselor, responsible person of the course, degree programme's Education designer or any other educational advisor. During the guidance discussion, your eligibility for credit transfer will be assessed. The view includes fields for the date of the guidance discussion, the person you discussed it with, and additional information. If you've had a guidance discussion, enter the details here. You can also add any relevant content or additional information discussed in the Additional information field. If you haven't had a guidance discussion, leave these fields empty. Click the Save draft and start filling out application button to continue.
Next, add the place of performance by clicking the Add place of performance button on the screen. Fill in the details of the place of performance in the pop-up window. Select Work experience as the type. Click the drop down menu named Place of performance type and select Companies or Organizations. Under the Employer/Other sub menu, check the box for Employer/other place can not be found in the menu. Enter the name of the employer in both Finnish and English in the Name of the employer/other fields. If there is no Finnish name, write in English to both fields. Enter the job title or position you held at the workplace in both Finnish and English in the Job Title/Other fields. For example, Project Manager or Trainee. If there is no Finnish name, write in English to both fields. Pay attention to spelling, as names will be saved in Peppi based on the information you provide in the application. If desired, you can provide more detailed descriptions in the Description and Description of knowledge to be acquired compared to objectives fields. At the bottom of the window, you can attach any necessary documents, such as a work certificate. Finally, click the Save button.
Next, add the details of your acquired knowledge by clicking the Add previously acquired knowledge button. Click the drop down menu under Credit transfer type and select Replacement. Then, click the drop down menu under Choose handler and enter the name of the Responsible person of the course to be replaced. Confirm your selection by clicking on the name.
Click the Add knowledge button next. Fill in the details of the knowledge you acquired in the pop-up window. Enter Pass in the Assessment field or leave it empty. When you click the Place of performance field, the system will suggest the place you added to the application earlier. Enter the completion date. In your application, you need to present your competency and justify it in relation to the learning objectives of the course being replaced in the Justification field. The decision-maker will indicate if you need to further complement your competency in their decision. Save the information to your application by clicking the Add button at the bottom of the window.
If you want to replace a course in your PSP with several previously acquired knowledge, you can add another knowledge at this stage by clicking the Add knowledge button. Fill in the details of the new knowledge, and if you haven't added another place of performance at the beginning of the application, you can do so now by clicking the Add button next to the place of performance. Fill in the details of the place of performance, attach any necessary documents, and click the Save button. Once you've filled in the details of the knowledge and any justifications, save the details to your application by clicking the Add button in the bottom right corner of the window.
On the left side of the screen, you'll see details of the knowledge you acquired earlier, in the middle, you'll see your PSP, and on the right, you'll see the courses for which you're requesting credit transfer. Click the plus button at the end of the row of the course you want to replace in your PSP in the middle section and drag it to the box on the right called Studies selected to application. You can remove a course you've dragged by clicking the cross button at the end of the row. In this view, you can also edit the details of the knowledge you acquired earlier. To enter the edit mode, click the pencil button on the right side of the screen. Once you've selected the course for credit transfer, click the Save button in the bottom right corner of the window.
On the left side of the screen, you'll see details of the knowledge you acquired earlier. You can edit this information by clicking the pencil button on the left side. On the right side, you'll see information about the course for which you're requesting credit transfer. Once your application is complete, click the Submit application button in the top right corner of the screen. A window will open, where the system will confirm if you want to submit the application. Click OK, and the application will be forwarded to the Responsible person of the course.
Inclusion of one or several previously completed studies
Inclusion application.mp4
This video is a guide for including a previously completed study. Inclusion refers to the inclusion of studies completed at another Finnish or foreign university as an integral part of a degree programme. These studies do not correspond to the learning competencies of any courses in Personal Study Plan (PSP), but they align with the degree's learning objectives and could, in terms of content, be a part of the degree.
The video shows the front page of Peppi's student desktop. The view and functionalities of the student desktop always pertain to a specific study right. You may have multiple study rights. To start the process of credit transfer, select the study right for which you wish to apply for credit transfer. Click on your own name located in the upper right corner of the desktop. This will open a menu listing your study rights. Choose the study right for which you are applying for credit transfer by clicking on it. The desktop view will then switch to display the details of this study right.
Go to apply for credit transfer by clicking on the recognition of learning icon in the top navigation bar of the desktop or hover your cursor over the icon in the navigation bar, which will open a menu where you can select recognition of learning. Begin filling out the application by clicking the New application button. After clicking the New application button, a view of your study right details and guidance discussion will open. You can discuss the credit transfer with your PSP counselor, responsible person of the course, degree programme's Education designer or any other educational advisor. During the guidance discussion, your eligibility for credit transfer will be assessed. The view includes fields for the date of the guidance discussion, the person you discussed it with, and additional information. If you've had a guidance discussion, enter the details here. You can also add any relevant content or additional information discussed in the Additional information field. If you haven't had a guidance discussion, leave these fields empty. Click the Save draft and start filling out application button to continue.
Next, add the place where you completed the course by clicking the Add place of performance button on the screen. Fill in the details of the place in the pop-up window. Select Educational institution as the type. Choose the type and place from the drop down menus. Enter the name of the program you completed in the Name of the study field, or leave it empty. You can provide more detailed descriptions in the Description and Description of knowledge to be acquired compared to objectives fields if desired. There is a section at the bottom of the window to attach any necessary documents, such as a transcript of records. Finally, click the Save button.
If you completed studies at multiple institutions, at this point, you can add another place of performance by clicking the Add place of performance button.
Next, add the details of the study you completed by clicking the Add previously completed study button on the left side of the screen. In the drop down menu under credit transfer type, select Inclusion. Then, click the drop down menu under Choose handler and enter the name of the Degree Programme Director. Confirm your selection by clicking on the name. If you do not know the person responsible for your degree program, you can check their name from the Preparation and approval of degree programme portfolio page in Patio.
Click the Add study button next. Fill in the details of the study you previously completed in the pop-up window. Verify the course code from your transcript. Enter the name of the study in English and in original language if possible. Otherwise write in English. Pay attention to spelling, as names will be saved in Peppi based on the information you provide in the application. In the Justifications field, briefly and clearly explain why the credit transfer should be approved and, for example, what learning objectives were covered in the study you completed. Save the information to your application by clicking the Add button at the bottom of the window.
On the left side of the screen, you will see the details of the previously completed studies. You can edit the information about these studies in this view. To enter the editing mode, click the pencil button. On the left side of the screen, these studies are placed within your PSP. You can first review your PSP by clicking the Preview PSP button. Close the preview window by clicking the X button in the upper right corner. To add a study to a specific study module, click the Choose the study module menu and choose the module where you want to place the completed study. If you wish to add another study for inclusion, click the Add study button. A new window with the study details will appear. Fill in the details of the completed study. In this window, you can also add a new place of performance by clicking the Add button next to the place details. Once you have filled in the information about the completed study, click the Add button at the bottom of the window.
The studies you have added will appear on the left side of the application, one below the other. Make sure to include the other completed study in your PSP as well. Finally, click the Save button in the lower right corner of the screen.
Once your application is complete, click the Submit application button in the top right corner of the screen. A window will open, where the system will confirm if you want to submit the application. Click OK, and the application will be forwarded to the Degree Programme Director.
Exemption from a language study
Exemption from language studies.mp4
This video is a guide for submitting an exemption application.
The video shows the front page of Peppi's student desktop. The view and functionalities of the student desktop always pertain to a specific study right. You may have multiple study rights. To start the process of exemption, select the study right for which you wish to apply for exemption. Click on your own name located in the upper right corner of the desktop. This will open a menu listing your study rights. Choose the study right for which you are applying for exemption by clicking on it. The desktop view will then switch to display the details of this study right.
Go to apply for exemption by clicking on the recognition of learning icon in the top navigation bar of the desktop or hover your cursor over the icon in the navigation bar, which will open a menu where you can select recognition of learning. Begin filling out the application by clicking the New application button. After clicking the New application button, a view of your study right details and guidance discussion will open. You can discuss the exemption with your PSP counselor, responsible person of the course, degree programme's Education designer or any other educational advisor. During the guidance discussion, your eligibility for exemption will be assessed. The view includes fields for the date of the guidance discussion, the person you discussed it with, and additional information. If you've had a guidance discussion, enter the details here. You can also add any relevant content or additional information discussed in the Additional information field. If you haven't had a guidance discussion, leave these fields empty. Click the Save draft and start filling out application button to continue.
Next, click the Add place of perfomance button. Choose Other as the type. Check the box for The employer/other place can not be found in the menu. In the Name of the employer/other field, enter Exemption (or any other name related to your application or reason for exemption) in Finnish and also in English. At the bottom of the window, there is a place for adding attachments. Attach any necessary documents to the application, such as a certificate that shows you have been exempted from studying the second national language at lower levels of education. Finally, click the Save button.
Click the Apply for an exemption for a language study button. Fill out the details of the study you are seeking exemption from in the opened window. Choose the study for which you are seeking exemption from the drop down menu. Select the reason for the exemption from the drop down menu. If you wish, you can provide justification for the exemption in the Justifications field. Open the drop down menu for Choose handler and enter the name of the Responsible person of the study you want exemption from. Confirm your choice by clicking on the name. Finally, click the Save button.
On the left side of the screen, you can see the study for which you are seeking exemption. You can edit the exemption details in this view. Enter edit mode by clicking the pencil button. Once your application is complete, click the Submit application button in the top right corner of the screen. A window will open, where the system will confirm if you want to submit the application. Click OK, and the application will be forwarded to the Responsible person of the course.
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