Current risks management for 2016-2017, especially concerning the field trial

The following current risks have been identified to require intervention



Risk matrix

Risk Matrix

P = Probability Low (1) - Medium (2) - High (3)

I = Impact Insigificant (1) - Low (2) - Medium (3) - High (4) - Critical (5)

 IDDateIssue PActionsMitigation StatusResponsible
 15.1.2016Not enough students for the field trial.15Preplanning and calculation of potential. 
Enough HEIs are contacted and committed and although the number will be low, it should be enough to conduct a successful field trial.
Final status: enough students participated in the field trial. Risk closed.
 25.1.2016Technical showstopper for Emrex solution.15Reviewing and testing, prototype.
Testing has been successful. A small risk that something new comes up in the field trial, but not foreseen as likely. Resolved. Testing has not found any showstoppers
Final status: EMREX works in production. Risk closed
EMREX process different from real process in HEI.
13Stakeholder forum and reviewing.
EMREX only delivers the achievement records and does not impact what happens after that. Discussions with HEIs has not revealed any problems.
Final status: EMREX can deliver useful information to the HEIs and be part of current RPL processes, although more alignment of standards etc is needed on an EU level. Risk closed.
Budget not sufficient to complete project
Constant follow-up and estimation.
IT development has proven costly, small risk that more IT problems will break the budget. Need to minimize changes. Runrate checks each year has shown that project is proceeding okay.
Final status. Project on budget. Risk closed.
One or more countries not able to participate in field trial.
More emphasis on those left.
Final status: All countries in field trial. Risk closed
Key people leave the project.
Sharing of responsibility, documenting.
The impact is growing as vital information is concentrated to a few persons. When field trial is started, impact will decrease again. Still need to document all contacts and decisions. Handled via normal organizational procedures per partner. No actions needed by the project.
Final status: No risk for the project any longer, however for continues work on EMREX after this project the risk is still there. Risk closed.

Risk Management

Risk Management Approach

The approach taken to manage risks in EMREX includes

  • identifying the major risks for the duration of the project, see risk matrix
  • keeping track of current immediate risks separately
    • For each current risk a responsible person is assigned and actions taken monitored
  • monthly risk views in connection with the Project Group meetings

Risk Identification

The initial risk identification was done during the planning phase of the project. Based on expert opinion and experiences from previous similar projects.

During the project each Work Package Lead is responsible for identifying current risks in their work package.

Risk Qualification and Prioritization

All project risks are assessed based on probability of occurrence and severity of impact.

Risk Monitoring

The project manager is responsible for the overall risk management. Each Work Packaged Lead is responsible for identifying the risks related to that work package and their mitigation. Risk reviews will be conducted as part of the regular Project Group telcos.

Risk Mitigation and Avoidance

At the start of the project a Risk Matrix was developed. As more risks are identified, they will be qualified and the project will develop avoidance and mitigation strategies. These risks will also be added to the Risk Register to ensure they are monitored at the appropriate times and are responded to accordingly. If necessary, the Risk Matrix will be updated

The risks for this project will be managed and controlled within the constraints of time, scope, and cost.

The Risk Register will be maintained in wiki.

Resolved current risks (i.e. no longer valid)


1.4.2015Number of HEIs and students participating in the field trial could be too lowPamelaPamela to twist some arms to get commitments from all partners on who will participate
10.8.2015Possible delays in starting development work in FinlandMatsDevelopment started
1.4.2015Access to data/registers not enough to get data for evaluation purposesJanina/TomaszTomasz could check with each partner what data can be provided, f2f discussion in Copenhagen 26.10. Looks okay now.
4.11.2015Development work in Italy delayed and also a risk that the SW won't work properly between different countriesGeir

All NCPs should in test environment be tested with all other SMPs, and visa versa. All NCPs will be tested by Warsaw before put into production.

New time plan for Italy has been made.

4.11.2015Contacting students outsourced from WP4 to partners, how do we know if the student has received enough info and can participate in field trialPamelaPamela will ask all partners to explain their process for contacting students. Checkpoint also in WS 10.12
9.2.2016Delayed development of EMREX-solutionPamela Contact with WP3.  Estimated start dates at Trial and testing (WP4). Done: field trial ongoing
21.9.2016Problems with identifying home/host HEI/Country of the students using EMREXMatsSeems to be worked out, logs can be constructed from the SMP activities
9.2.2016Not enough students participating in the field trialPamelaOngoing risk for 2016, will be handled in the WP4 status telcos. Key is getting hold of the returning students in Dec-Jan. Statistics from 2016 will show where we are, last chance is students returning summer 2017. Field trial has been extended to summer 2017. No major risk anymore, as already 100+ students from 30+ HEIs. More students needed, but minimum reached
9.2.2016One or more countries dropping out of the field trial or not enough HEIsPamelaSo far all countries are green. Communication with WP3 to ensure latest status on production dates. Participating HEIs and an estimation of students at Trial and testing (WP4). Only remaining risk is Denmark, which is almost in production. Now also Denmark in production
31.5.2017Statistical evaluation from field trial insufficentJaninaWe need data on actual users, students contacted and total potential per country. Janina has sent out a template, but so far no response. Deadline 7.6 for all countries to send in first version, so that we can make sure it works. Even if the final numbers will come after the field trial has ended. What is available has now been sent to Janina by all partners.
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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (

    Risk matrix needs to be updated with status where applicable, else by transfer to resolved risks.