Present: Egle, Sami, Tarja

Continuation from last meeting.

  • Ideas for data visualisations in competence profile presented -cv, interactive cloud, grouping of the competencies in the field of education (*ala* in finnish, eg. kasvatusala, terveysala, etc.), grouping using the Hollands codes into 6 areas of interests, grouping of smaller use experiences and skills into bigger units or clusters to make a ”competence”.

Decided to talk about these visualisations in the Monday meeting with Minna and Rikku. Possibility to test them in the upcoming reference group seminar in Oulu, 31st October.

  • Where will be no competences for some people?

Maybe that problem would be solved in the future as compleap service is used I more counties in eu. For foreigners and other who don’t have data coming automatically – they could fill that manually.

  • how can hobbies be associated with competencies?

As a key words/ search words

Other questions:

  • using past competences for recommendation will end up recommending the same thing for the user.
  • still there is no good way to visualise competencies as they are very small units of information. Need more ideas for hierarchy or grouping
  • what information could be used to create a learners path?
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