CompLeap workshop in the Bezirksregierung Köln

Zeughausstrasse 2-10, 50667 Cologne

14.5. 10-14


1.    Introduction to the project and CompLeap

2.    Who the audience are? What kind of first impressions are had?

In this stage, our audience introduced themselves and made some preliminary points on the CompLeap solutions based on what they had seen in the project introduction. Below are the comments made by the audience:

  • Many similarities with the New Europass Portal
  • Could the prototype be a base for the Europass portal? Is CompLeap more a national solution rather than a European service?
    • Local vs. international viewpoint; while Europass is designed to be international, CompLeap is a national system implemented across Europe (= study recommendations are nationally / regionally limited)
  • What kind of educational offer would the service include? Are there jobs included in the service?
  • There are national/regional political plans for a mutual study database in Germany, no further development yet
  • Data protection, risk of bias with money (e.g. sponsored educational offers)
  • The general idea is acceptable, details raise concerns (details are explored later)
  • Erasmus+ BiB (institute for VET) – EPALE – EPALE in Finland needs to be taken into account in order to promote the platform

Comments from a regional employee working within data protection issues for educational institutions:

  • CompLeap isn’t for schools, rather individuals
  • Currently: competence checks are done by companies outside of school
  • CompLeap: Individuals own the data – but the system relies on data pooled by schools, regions, nation etc.

EU Agency:

  • This approach could save money
  • In-depth analysis is needed on the regional/national possibilities of implementation
  • Currently implemented: Profilpass – focus on non-continuous learners e.g. mothers out of work for a long time
    • Mostly paper-based
  • Currently: a myriad of different tools, the structure of them is lost in the different national/regional/municipal levels
    • also communication issues between projects, based on the lack of national and regional steering                             

3.    The architecture

One of the outcomes of the project is to evaluate the architecture. The method of evaluation is an evaluation discussion. Ari showed and explored what enterprise architecture in itself is about; a tool, a communication method, a way to make sense of complex hierarchies and their surroundings. 

In Germany, there are no strategic maps and architecture maps in the educational sector – one main reason identified is change in personnel in high decision making and the lack of a centralized organization – the educational actors do not know whose responsibility making such work would be


Capabilities needed to reach outcomes. In CompLeap, we have listed the most important capabilities that are needed to reach our outcomes.

                             Includes: Information, information systems, competence

We are realizing these capabilities in our architecture and in our project


The learner is our customer. The learner is using the learner path service. Processes are needed in order to provide services for the learners.

Application architecture: Includes

  1. Strategic level:

The strategy map comes from the EU application documentation.

Drivers: what kind of drivers are we missing?

  • One of the most important drivers are changes in the personal competences of learners. Especially the loss of skills and competencies in relevant settings (e.g. language skills with VET students)
  • The loss of basic competencies is one of the biggest drivers.
  • A social divide and the social gap between the lowest and highest percentiles is one of the big drivers in Germany
  • Demographic development could be a big driver in Germany e.g. low birth rates and an aging work force
  • The needs of labour market should possibly be widened to the needs of the society as a whole
  • A sense of ownership and agency for learners is extremely important and could be a considerable driver

Learning analytics is considered a risk and should be implemented in our risk management plan

The learner path is clear from the NRW point of view.

Business services: Again, the sense of agency arises in the discussion

Currently: Student-ID is implemented only on school level

Assessment results: on paper, stored by the individuals

Could mapping the services be useful? YES

Mapping the service in this time of digitalization is extremely important – the message just has to reach the right people in decision-making membranes and units

4.    What are the hindrances that are in the way of implementing and deploying CompLeap on the regional (Köln), Bundesland (NRW) and national (Germany) level?                  


5.    Prototype: what has been done, what should be done next?

HTML-prototype: Europass-logo has changed – change before Budapest

Both national and regional legislation in Europe has to be taken into account in deployment

An immediate connection to apply is important and more text could hinder

The text-based nature of the prototype is an issue for migrants and learners with hindrances in basic skills

What is needed in order for CompLeap to happen? A German view

The connection between CompLeap and the labour market raises questions: Could there be one? How should it be integrated? 

If the learner doesn’t receive any suitable recommendations, they will stop using the service -> UX is important

What is needed:

  1. Massive information pool as a backbone
  2. Who is the technical provider?
  3. This is an interface project – other systems need to be in place
  4. Cloud systems
  5. Continuous financing

Discussions with the developers of German educational sector cloud systems could be in place

Input for our sustainability plan: the continuation and identification of financing: who makes the decision in these public and government-financed projects?

The algorithm has to be as neutral as possible in order to avoid social divide and reinforcement of stereotypes as well as sponsoring

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