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Publication metrics are used in the analyses of the fields of science in a number of contexts. Many national evaluations of fields of science use metrics to evaluate, for example, the number of publications, citation impact and interdisciplinarity in the field. The field of science is often included in analyses of research organisations or countries as a factor through which publishing activities are analysed. In many university rankings, it is possible to examine universities by field of science. The field of science is also a key factor in overall evaluations of university research.

When analysing or evaluating the publishing activities of different fields of science through the means of publication metrics, or when using the field of science as a variable in analyses of units such as research organisations or countries, it is important to take into account the differences in publishing and citation practices across different fields of science.

How are fields of science and research topics analysed?

Publication metrics are used in the analyses of the fields of science in a number of contexts. For example, publication metrics can be used to observe changes in science or to describe the state of a field of science at a certain moment. Many national evaluations of fields of science use metrics to evaluate, for example, the number of publications, citation impact and interdisciplinarity in the field, alongside peer review and various statistical sources. For examples, see the Research Council of Norway’s (Forskningsrådet) evaluations of fields of science and the Swedish Research Council’s (Vetenskapsrådet) evaluation Quality and impact of research in political science in Sweden, PDF.

Fields of science are often included in analyses of research organisations or countries as factors through which publishing activities are analysed, for example, in the comparison of organisations or countries by field of science. Learn more about the use of metrics in the analysis of research organisations and countries. Examples of such use of metrics are the various reports and databases published by research funders or similar organisations for science policy purposes (in Finland, for example, the State of scientific research in Finland reports carried out by the Academy of Finland and the Vipunen service’s bibliometric reports based on the Scopus and Web of Science databases). In many university rankings, it is also possible to examine universities by field of science. Learn more about university rankings

The field of science is also a key factor in overall evaluations of universities’ research, where universities’ research activities are typically divided into evaluation units representing one or more fields of science. In addition to peer review, publication metrics are often used to evaluate the research and publishing activities of units. Learn more about the evaluation of university research.

Tieteenalojen analyysi on myös mahdollista käyttäen yksityisten yritysten analyysituotteita:

Tieteenalojen ja tutkimusaiheiden vastuullinen arviointi

Kun eri tieteenalojen julkaisutoimintaa analysoidaan tai arvioidaan metriikan keinoin tai tieteenalaa käytetään muuttujana esimerkiksi tutkimusorganisaatioiden tai maiden analysoinnissa, on tärkeää ottaa huomioon tieteenalojen julkaisu- ja viittauskäytäntöjen erot. Keskeisiä eroja ovat yhteisjulkaisujen yleisyyden ja julkaisujen keskimääräisen tekijämäärän vaihtelu sekä keskimääräisen julkaisutahdin ja viittauskertymien erot. Tieteenalojen välillä on eroa myös siinä, kuinka hyvin analyyseissä käytettävät viittaustietokannat kattavat julkaisutoimintaa. Lue lisää tieteenalojen eroista

Viittaustietoihin perustuva arviointi soveltuu parhaiten tieteenaloille, joilla julkaiseminen keskittyy kansainvälisiin lehtiartikkeleihin ja joiden julkaisutoimintaa viittaustietokannat kattavat hyvin. Kirja- ja konferenssipainotteisia aloilla onkin syytä käyttää myös muita arviointimenetelmiä, esimerkiksi kattavaa kansallista julkaisutiedonkeruuta ja tieteellisten julkaisukanavien tasoluokitusta yhdistämällä (Suomessa Julkaisufoorumi).

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