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scite_ offers machine learning based analyses of articles, as well as metrics and ranking lists on journal, research organization and funder levels, based on how many supportive citations their publications have received compared with citations that challenge the results.

The learning algorithm aims to classify the citations into supporting or contrasting citations or merely mentions. It also strives to show the context and location of the citation in the publication as well as link it to the source and similar publications.

The database is subject to a charge.

scite_ -palvelun näkymä jossa julkaisun viittaukset esitetään eriteltynä niihin jotka tukevat, haastavat tai vain mainitsevat julkaisun.

Figure 1. A view from the scite_ service where citations received by a publication have been divided into supporting or contrasting citations or ones that simply mention it.


scite: see how research has been cited (no date) Available: [Accessed 13.4.2022]

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