Trust Management & OP configuration

Section Topics

  • SAML IdP Metadata vs. OpenID Provider Configuration
  • OIDC Client Information
  • Trust relationship establishment between Shibboleth OP and test RP

SAML IdP Metadata vs. OpenID Provider Configuration

SAML IdP Metadata

OpenID Provider Configuration


Exercise 2.1 - Google's OP configuration

Google OP issuer name is ''

  1. What is the endpoint URL for the openid-configuration?

    Hints, Tips and Result
  2. Check the contents of Google's openid-configuration

    Hints, Tips and Result
     "issuer": "",
     "authorization_endpoint": "",
     "token_endpoint": "",
     "userinfo_endpoint": "",
     "revocation_endpoint": "",
     "jwks_uri": "",
     "response_types_supported": [
      "code token",
      "code id_token",
      "token id_token",
      "code token id_token",
     "subject_types_supported": [
     "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
     "scopes_supported": [
     "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
     "claims_supported": [
     "code_challenge_methods_supported": [
Exercise 2.2 - Shibboleth OP Configuration

Everybody has a Shibboleth OP instance running on a virtual machine with public IP. The OP issuer name is https://IP_ADDRESS

  • What is the endpoint URL for the openid-configuration?

    Hints, Tips and Result
  • What is the contents of the well-known endpoint?

    Hints, Tips and Result
          "token id_token",
          "code id_token",
          "code token",
          "code token id_token"

OIDC Client Metadata

OIDC Client Information

Static configuration example from Google:

Dynamic registration:

There's no direct equivalent to SAML SP Metadata (or EntityDescriptor/EntitiesDescriptor) on OIDC

Trust relationship establishment between Shibboleth OP and test RP


Exercise 2.3 - Add a trusted RP
  • Try OIDC flow with an RP that is not (yet) trusted 
    • The OIDC sequence can be started with https://IP_ADDRESS:8443/protected/ endpoint - You should end up into an error screen at Shibboleth OP. The logs should show that the client is not trusted.

      Hints, Tips and Result
      [vagrant@gn43-oidcshibop-devel ~]$ tail -f /opt/shibboleth-idp/logs/idp-process.log
      2018-12-05 11:08:32,258 - - WARN [org.geant.idpextension.oidc.profile.impl.OIDCMetadataLookupHandler:122] - Message Handler:  No client information returned for test_rp
      2018-12-05 11:08:32,264 - - DEBUG [org.geant.idpextension.oidc.profile.impl.InitializeRelyingPartyContext:170] - Attaching RelyingPartyContext for rp test_rp
      2018-12-05 11:08:32,275 - - WARN [net.shibboleth.idp.profile.impl.SelectProfileConfiguration:117] - Profile Action SelectProfileConfiguration: Profile is not available for RP configuration shibboleth.UnverifiedRelyingParty (RPID test_rp)
      2018-12-05 11:08:32,302 - - DEBUG [org.geant.idpextension.oidc.profile.impl.AbstractBuildErrorResponseFromEvent:123] - Profile Action BuildAuthenticationErrorResponseFromEvent: No mapped event found for InvalidProfileConfiguration, creating general invalid_request
      2018-12-05 11:08:32,305 - - DEBUG [org.geant.idpextension.oidc.profile.impl.AbstractBuildErrorResponseFromEvent:133] - Profile Action BuildAuthenticationErrorResponseFromEvent: Error response not formed
  • Statically add an RP as trusted (RP config already done)
    • Verify that you have the following element in /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/oidc-metadata-providers.xml

      • The element enables loading the OIDC metadata file from the configured location
    • Hints, Tips and Result
          <util:list id="shibboleth.oidc.ClientInformationResolvers"
              <ref bean="ExampleFileResolver" />
              <ref bean="ExampleStorageClientInformationResolver" />
          <bean id="ExampleFileResolver"
                  <bean class="" id="ExampleFile">
                      <constructor-arg type="String" value="/opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/oidc-client.json" />
    • Add client metadata to the location defined in previous configuration /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/oidc-client.json

      nano /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/oidc-client.json
          "scope":"openid phone",
    • Check the RP-side configuration first from /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_openidc.conf. RP has been preconfigured for these training exercises. Note that pre-configured settings are at the bottom of the file and the file includes a lot of additional settings.

      Hints, Tips and Result
      OIDCClientID test_rp
      OIDCClientSecret testSecret1234
      OIDCProviderMetadataURL https://IP_ADDRESS/.well-known/openid-configuration
      OIDCProviderIssuer https://IP_ADDRESS
      OIDCOAuthSSLValidateServer Off
      OIDCSSLValidateServer Off
      OIDCRedirectURI https://IP_ADDRESS:8443/protected/redirect_uri
      OIDCCryptoPassphrase secret
      OIDCResponseType "code"
      OIDCScope "openid profile email address phone"
    • Pick up the settings for client_id, client_secret, redirect_uris and scope from the RP configuration.

    • Also add "response_types":["id_token","code"] and "grant_types":["authorization_code","implicit","refresh_token"] claims and apply them to /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/oidc-client.json. Either replace the existing configuration for client demo_rp, or add an additional configuration, as instructed by the wiki (MetadataConfiguration).

      Hints, Tips and Result
      [root@gn43-oidcshibop-devel vagrant]# cat /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/oidc-client.json 
          "scope":"openid info profile email address phone",
    • Reload the OIDC client metadata by reloading service shibboleth.ClientInformationResolverService.

      Hints, Tips and Result
      [root@gn43-oidcshibop-devel shibboleth-idp]# /opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/ -id shibboleth.ClientInformationResolverService
    • You should now get the login screen when starting the login sequence at: https://IP_ADDRESS:8443/protected/. Use username teppo with password testaaja. Check the logs during the login sequence.
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