Oulu UAS has developed this career planning tool to support career counselling. With the help of this tool, you can monitor your professional growth and career ambitions at different stages of your studies. You can access the tool from the front page of Peppi or under the HOPS header on the function bar. The career planning tool has three stages: the beginning of studies (first-year studies), intermediate studies (second- and third-year studies, depending on the degree programme) and advanced studies (graduation-stage studies). At each stage, you will be presented with questions that will help you to think about your career plan.

You will first use the tool independently. Select the stage of your studies. For example, if you are a first-year student, you should only answer the questions about first-year studies. Write your thoughts on the answer boxes of the tool by answering the questions that are relevant and meaningful to you. You do not need to answer all the questions. Save the text you have written. If you want, you can continue writing at another time. When you have finished writing your thoughts, send the form to your tutor teacher. If your tutor teacher’s name does not appear on the form already, you can find it by using the search function.

After sending the form, you will have a PSP discussion with your tutor teacher. Based on your answers, you will discuss your studying motivation, development of competence, studying skills and taking responsibility for your own learning. Your tutor teacher may ask you to tell about your experiences and thoughts, and to mention examples of the issues you discuss. You can have this discussion face to face or online. Your tutor teacher will write you feedback during or after the discussion and send it to you. This feedback will also be readable in the career planning tool. The purpose of writing your thoughts and discussing them with your tutor teacher is to clarify the contents of your personal study plan (PSP).

If you want, you can also send your answers to your campus study counsellor, for example. You can send the form to one or several persons at once or separately. The career planning tool also includes useful links that you can use.