After redirection to the graduation system, automatically a notification is sent to the reviewer that you have started the graduation process.

Read your own checklist at the Review stage what you need to do before you can send the graduation application. As soon as you get a preparation done, mark it on your application. Remember to save each change you make - the Save button appears after each change in the orange bar at the top of the page. You can fill in your application in parts: everything does not have to be ready at once. The reviewer can see the notes you have made; if he wishes, he can also make notes in the student's checklist.

When all the checks the reviewer is responsible for have been completed, he will send your graduation application for approval. You can see when the reviewer has entered the "checked" status in the log.


If you are a degree student (AMK/YAMK), the publication (thesis) address must be a permanent URN address. You can find it in Theseus on the front page of your own publication. (Figure 2)

Figure 1: Review stage