Add project

You can add multiple projects by choosing ‘Add project’. Fill all the compulsory fields and add a supervising teacher to whom the application will be sent.

You can save the project and continue it later. If you select ‘send’, the project application will be sent to the supervising teacher.

All of the compulsory fields are marked with red * -sign.

Compulsory fields are;

  • Course. Please note that the field is a search fiedl in which you can search the correct course by its name or code. Course names and codes you can find either from Peppi or the study guide.
  • Planned project ready date
  • Project goals
  • Background of project

If any of the compulsory fields are not filled, you wont be able to send the application for approval and Pulmu will inform you that the sending has failed, due to compulsory fields not being filled.

Please note that the maximum attachment size is 2MB.

Add event

You can add events to a project which will be shown to you and your supervising teacher. When adding an event you can choose to send an email to your supervising teacher.