VIRTA   Julkaisu elementCERIF Publication elementVIRTA ExampleCERIF Example
JulkaisunTunnusAttribute id of Publication element
+ Subelement URL which content has value of concatanation("", JulkaisunTunnus)
<JulkaisunTunnus>0283592417</JulkaisunTunnus><Publication xmlns="" id="0283592417">
JulkaisutyyppiKoodi (type)

Subelement Type with
attribute xmlns="";
and content: switch(JulkaisutyyppiKoodi)
case 'A1':
case 'A2':
case 'A3':
case 'A4':
case 'B1':
case 'B2':
case 'B3':
case 'C1':
case 'C2':
case 'D1':
case 'D2':
case 'D3':
case 'D4':
case 'D5':
case 'D6':
case 'E1':
case 'E2':
case 'E3':
case 'G1':
case 'G2':
case 'G3':
case 'G4':
case 'G5':
Subelement Type with
attribute xmlns="VIRTA types vocabulary URL";
and content linkToHumanReadablePage(JulkaisutyyppiKoodi)

<JulkaisutyyppiKoodi>E1</JulkaisutyyppiKoodi><Type xmlns=""></Type>

JufoLuokkaKoodiNot used<JufoLuokkaKoodi>1</JufoLuokkaKoodi>Not used
JulkaisunNimiSubelement Title with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi;
content with value of JulkaisunNimi element
<JulkaisunNimi>Erikoisia ja näyttäviä muodostumia</JulkaisunNimi>
<Title xml:lang="fi">Erikoisia ja näyttäviä muodostumia</Title>
Avainsanat/AvainsanaTekstiSubelement Keyword with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi;
content with value of AvainsanaTeksti element
   <AvainsanaTeksti>Diminished reality</AvainsanaTeksti>
   <AvainsanaTeksti>Augmented reality</AvainsanaTeksti>
<Keyword xml:lang="en">Diminished reality</Keyword>
       <Keyword xml:lang="en">Inpainting</Keyword>
       <Keyword xml:lang="en">Augmented reality</Keyword>
case 'A1', 'A2', 'A4', 'B1',  'B3',  'D1',  'D3', 'E1':
Subelement PublishedIn->Publication->ISBN  which contect has value of ISBN VIRTA element
case 'A3', 'B2', 'D2':
Subelement PartOf->Publication->ISBN  which contect has value of ISBN VIRTA element
case 'C1', 'C2', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'E2', 'E3':
Subelement ISBN with value of ISBN VIRTA element






--comment: at the moment PartOf is commented out from the code → has to be fixed

case 'A1', 'A2', 'A4', 'B1',  'B3',  'D1',  'D3', 'E1':
Subelement PublishedIn->Publication->ISSN which content has value of ISSN VIRTA element
ase 'A3', 'B2', 'D2':
Subelement PartOf->Publication->ISSN  which contect has value of ISSN VIRTA element
case 'C1', 'C2', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'E2', 'E3':
Subelement ISBN with value of ISSN VIRTA element



<PublishedIn ...>



--comment: at the moment PartOf is commented out from the code → has to be fixed

JulkaisuVuosiSubelement PublicationDate which content has value of JulkaisuVuosi<JulkaisuVuosi>2017</JulkaisuVuosi><PublicationDate>2017</PublicationDate>
VolyymiTekstiSubelement Volume which content has value of VolyymiTeksti<VolyymiTeksti>33</VolyymiTeksti><Volume>33</Volume>
LehdenNumeroTekstiSubelement Issue which content has value of LehdenNumeroTeksti<LehdenNumeroTeksti>2</LehdenNumeroTeksti><Issue>2</Issue>
DOISubelement DOI which content has value of VIRTA DOI element<DOI>10.1007/s00371-015-1174-z</DOI><DOI>10.1007/s00371-015-1174-z</DOI>
PysyvaOsoiteTekstiif PysyvaOsoiteTeksti contains "urn:"
then subelement URN which content has value of PysyvaOsoiteTeksti
else if PysyvaOsoiteTeksti contains ""
then subelement Handle which content has value of PysyvaOsoiteTeksti


RinnakkaistallennusOsoiteTekstican be exported as URL, URN, DOI, or Handle subelement of Publication, but these elements are optional and non-repeatalbe (max cardinality is one)
Not used
JulkaisunKieliKoodiSubelement Language which content has value of JulkaisunKieliKoodi (the format is the same - ISO 639-1)<JulkaisunKieliKoodi>fi</JulkaisunKieliKoodi><Language>fi</Language>
1: Subelement Access with xmlns="" which content has value of, plus the same for subelement PublishedIn->Publication->Access

<PublishedIn … >
   <Publication …
       <Access xmlns=""></Access>

--Comment: this is commented out from the code at the moment

1: Subelement Access with xmlns="" which content has value of, plus the same for subelement PublishedIn->Publication->Access
<RinnakkaistallennettuKytkin>1</RinnakkaistallennettuKytkin><Access xmlns=""></Access>
TieteenalaKoodiSubelement Subject with scheme="" which content has value  TieteenalaKoodi<TieteenalaKoodi>1171</TieteenalaKoodi><Subject scheme=""></Subject>
ArtikkelinumeroSubelement Number which content has value Artikkelinumero<Artikkelinumero>n34</Artikkelinumero><Number>n34</Number>
SivunumeroTekstiif SivunumeroTeksti in format startPage - endPage
split by -, first part should be stored in subelement StartPage, and second part to subelement EndPage
   subelement StartPage which content has value SivunumeroTeksti


TekijatiedotTekstiauthors[] = TekijatiedotTeksti.splitBy ";"
for each author in authors {
   lastName = author.splitBy ","[0]; //first part
   firstName = author.splitBy ","[1]; //second part
   store firstName, lastName to a subelement Authors->Author->Person->PersonName->FirstNames, FamilyNames
  generate and assign an id attribute to Person subelement (id could be any strin4g ORCID, firstName_lastName for instance, or firstName_lastName_orgId)
  search Tekijat for this author
  if found then {
    if there is VIRTA ORCID element add to Authors->Author->Person a subelement ORCID
    if there is VIRTA YksikkoKoodi element,  add to Authors->Author a subelement Affilliation->OrgUnit with id containing id of organization unit and a subelement Name (Authors->Author->Affilliation->OrgUnit->Name) with name of organization unit and link that to root organization (find in VIRTA database) using PartOf subelement
<TekijatiedotTeksti>Kotilainen, Aarno;  Keskinen, Essi</TekijatiedotTeksti>


       <Person id="0504030005_arnokotilainen">
<OrgUnit id="504030005">
               <Name>Department for informatics</Name>
           <OrgUnit id="5040011"><!-- root org. id -->
               <Name>University of Helsinki</Name>
       <Person id="Essi_Keskinen">

--Comment: at the moment <Affiliation> and elements inside it are commented out from the code

case 'A1', 'A2', 'A4', 'B1',  'B3',  'D1',  'D3', 'E1':
editors[] = EmojulkaisunToimittajatTeksti.splitBy ";"
for each editor in editors {
   lastName = editor.splitBy ","[0]; //first part
   firstName = editor.splitBy ","[1]; //second part
   store firstName, lastName to a subelement PublishedIn->Publication->Editors->Editor->Person->PersonName->FirstNames, FamilyNames
  generate and assign an id attribute to Person subelement (id could be any string firstName_lastName for instance)
case 'A3', 'B2', 'D2':
editors[] = EmojulkaisunToimittajatTeksti.splitBy ";"
for each editor in editors {
   lastName = editor.splitBy ","[0]; //first part
   firstName = editor.splitBy ","[1]; //second part
   store firstName, lastName to a subelement  PartOf->Publication->Editors->Editor->Person->PersonName->FirstNames, FamilyNames
  generate and assign an id attribute to Person subelement (id could be any string firstName_lastName for instance)
case 'C1', 'C2', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'E2', 'E3':
editors[] = EmojulkaisunToimittajatTeksti.splitBy ";"
for each editor in editors {
   lastName = editor.splitBy ","[0]; //first part
   firstName = editor.splitBy ","[1]; //second part
   store firstName, lastName to a subelement PublishedIn->Publication->Editors->Editor->Person->PersonName->FirstNames, FamilyNames
  generate and assign an id attribute to Person subelement (id could be any string firstName_lastName for instance)
   Viitasalo, Markku; Kostamo, Kirsti

       <Person id="Markku_Viitasalo">
       <Person id="Essi_Keskinen">

--Comment: At the moment this is commented out from the code inside Publication/PublishedIn

case 'A1', 'A2', 'A4', 'B1',  'B3',  'D1',  'D3', 'E1':
Subelement PublishedIn->Publication->Publishers->Publisher->OrgUnit->Name with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi which contains value of concatanation(KustantajanNimi, ",", KustannuspaikkaTeksti)

OrgUnit should have atribute id (generated using words without space from KustantajanNimi + KustannuspaikkaTeksti).
Also, OrgUnit should have subelement Classification with attribute scheme="" which contains  concatanation ("",  JulkaisumaaKoodi)
case 'A3', 'B2', 'D2':
Subelement PublishedIn->Publication->Publishers->Publisher->OrgUnit->Name with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi which contains value of concatanation(KustantajanNimi, ",", KustannuspaikkaTeksti)

OrgUnit should have atribute id (generated using words without space from KustantajanNimi + KustannuspaikkaTeksti).
Also, OrgUnit should have subelement Classification with attribute scheme="" which contains  concatanation ("",  JulkaisumaaKoodi)
case 'C1', 'C2', 'D4', 'D5', 'D6', 'E2', 'E3':
Subelement Publishers->Publisher->OrgUnit->Name with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi which contains value of concatanation(KustantajanNimi, ",", KustannuspaikkaTeksti)

OrgUnit should have atribute id (generated using words without space from KustantajanNimi + KustannuspaikkaTeksti).
Also, OrgUnit should have subelement Classification with attribute scheme="" which contains  concatanation ("",  JulkaisumaaKoodi)


                    <OrgUnit id="GaudeamusHelsinki">
          <Name xml:lang="en">Gaudeamus, Helsinki</Name>

                    <OrgUnit id="GaudeamusHelsinki">
          <Name xml:lang="en">Gaudeamus, Helsinki</Name>

                    <OrgUnit id="GaudeamusHelsinki">
          <Name xml:lang="en">Gaudeamus, Helsinki</Name>
case 'A3', 'B2', 'D2':
Subelement PartOf->Publication->Title with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi which contains value of EmojulkaisunNimi
<EmojulkaisunNimi>Meren aarteet : löytöretki Suomen vedenalaiseen meriluontoon</EmojulkaisunNimi>

       <Title xml:lang="fi">Meren aarteet : löytöretki Suomen vedenalaiseen meriluontoon</Title>

--Comment: PartOf is commented out at the moment

case 'A1', 'A2', 'A4', 'B1',  'B3',  'D1',  'D3', 'E1':
Subelement PublishedIn->Publication->Title with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi which contains value of LehdenNimi
<LehdenNimi>Visual Computer</LehdenNimi>
       <Title xml:lang="en">Visual Computer</Title>
case 'A4', 'B3', 'D3', 'E1':
Subelement PublishedIn->Publication->OutpuFrom->Event->Name with
attribute xml:lang with value JulkaisunKieliKoodi which contains value of KonferenssinNimi

Event should have atribute id (generated using words without space from KonferenssinNimi), and subelement <Type scheme=""></Type>
<KonferenssinNimi>22nd Computer Systems Conference</KonferenssinNimi>
<LehdenNimi>Proceedings from 22nd Computer Systems Conference<LehdenNimi>
  <Title xml:lang="en">Proceedings from 22nd Computer Systems Conference</Title>
        <Event id="583475">
         <Type scheme=""></Type>
          <Name xml:lang="en">22nd Computer Systems Conference</Name>
OrganisaatioTunnusSubelement Link->OrgUnit->Name which contains value of name assigned with OrganisaatioTunnus (language is Finish) in VIRTA database
Link should have type attribute "cataloguer", OrgUnit should have id with value of OrganisaatioTunnus
<Link type="cataloguer">
   <OrgUnit id="01901">
       <Name xml:lang="fi">University of Helsinki</Name>
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