Present: Antti Laitinen, Monique Leegte, Marcus Caselius, Minna Parviainen

Apologies: Anu Märkälä, Ari Rouvari, Annica Moore, Eva Neffling, Outi Kivipelto, Pauli Sutelainen, Hanni Muukkonen, Egle Gedrimiene, Antti Kaasila, Abhinay Panday Tarja Puura, Vera Wemer

Time: 14:00 Finnish time


  1. Opening
    1. The meeting was opened at 14 o´clock - since most of the project team was still on a holiday we decided to finalize the next week agenda
  2. Short up-dates and holiday greetings
    1. EDUFI: developing continues - test results considered, Minna: final seminar, other events, Eva back tomorrow
    2. DUO: Erik back from holiday next week - deployment in the Netherlands, Europass case study - template (review feedback), Peter back on August 12th
  3. Reporting timetables
    1. Remote review feedback
      1. Action points: Remote review in June 2019
      2. Measurable data on activities: Events for dissemination and network building 
    2. Next reporting deadlines
      1. D4 Standard management report - M21 (CSC),
      2. D11 Final report - M24 (CSC)
      3. D22 Final seminar in cooperation with WP4 nd WP5 - M23 (EDUFI)
      4. D23 Sustainability Plan - M23 (EDUFI)
      5. D27, D28, D29 Pilot deployments - M22 (Gradia)
      6. D30, D31, D32 Report on pilot deployments (Gradia) - M23
      7. D33 Impact evaluation study - M24
      8. D38 Presentations and publications - M24 (DUO)
      9. D39 Targeted workshops and seminars in cooperation with WP2 (DUO)
    3. Amendment No. 3 finalized
      1. Impact evaluation study sub-contracting (CSC) raised to 25 000€ - delivery M24
      2. D30, 31, 32 delivery date updated to M23
  4. Road map: Monthly view on the WPs.
    1. Framework architecture
        1. Pilot deployment in Finland
          1. SITRA
          2. VM (Ministry of Finance)
          3. STM (Ministry of Social and Health Issues)
          4. Others?
        2. Deployment in Germany:
        3. Deployment in the Netherlands: 
        4. Deployment in other countries
          1. Estonia?
          2. Others
    2. Prototypes + Analytics:
      1. two-three improvements? To be discussed tomorrow
      2. New developer - same thing that Abhinay was trying to do - ESCO classification to use in the prototype - currently working on this issue - user can see skills in ESCO
    3. Europass case study
      1. Workshop in Groningen July - next steps?

      2. Desk study
  5. Other
    1. Autumn meetings
      1. Weekly meeting every Monday 14-14.45
      2. Project management committee once a month on Monday 14-15.30
      3. Other meetings?
      4. Project team final meeting in November?
    2. IAEVG
    3. EAIE - Monique, Janniina, Tarja working on this theme
    4. Final seminar - Minna, Eva working on this
    5. Edufutura forum
  6. Closing
    1. The meeting was closed at 14.23

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