Welcome to Data Support Network -page

(suomeksi täällä)

The idea of the network is to serve as collaboration channel between CSC and data support personnel in Finnish research organizations. The network seeks to open an easy conversational connection and opportunity for peer support between experts. We have also gathered organisations data support service addresses to a sub page.

CSC-Data Support Network csc.fi web pages.

You can find how to join the network and upcoming training events below. Other useful content on this page includes:  

Join the network by registering to mailing list and discussion forum

  1. Discussion forum "Data chat" for informal discussion. Join using eDuuni ID at chat.csc.fi, and find channel #cscdatatukiverkosto"

  2. Mailing list for announcements (datatukiverkosto@listat.csc.fi)

  3. The network organizes Data coffees on the first Friday of every month at 8AM in Zoom. Welcome! https://cscfi.zoom.us/j/62158676076?pwd=MVcrdlNuUmQwNTVEaEVjd1Z4dkFRUT09

Upcoming events

  • 16.1.2024 9:30-12:00 (this event will be in Finnish)  Data ja TKI-työpaja: Tutkijoiden osallistaminen ja kontaktointi. More info & sign-up.

Useful links about CSC, services & resources

The main pageTips


Company sites


Information about CSC services for research

CSC Docs

Docs CSC contains user guides, FAQs and tutorials related to CSC services

The main pageTips

Information about national Fairdata.fi services

ELIXIR Finland

ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science resources from across Europe


EUDAT offers research communities and researchers a set of integrated services for data management

  • Customisable EUDAT services as part of CSC service portfolio

Training materials

This page gathers training material for everyone to utilize about research data management and relevant CSC services (training material in Finnish on CSC-Datatukiverkosto page). If you have any wishes regarding content of this page or other matters, please contact siiri.fuchs@csc.fi or send an email to servicedesk@csc.fi. The material can be used under CC BY 4.0 license, if not otherwise informed.

You can also find video recordings of both previous webinars and tutorial videos from video.csc.fi -service data management -channel.

Table of contents

CSC Online self-study Research Data Management course

CSC's self-study Research Data Management course is now available both in English and Finnsih. The course covers the basics of data management and gathers resources and tools available for different stages. There are no prerequisites for the course and you can log in to the course platform with either HAKA, VIRTU (using your own organization ID) or ELIXIR Life Science login. Read more from CSC news.

This way to the English version of the Research Data Management course!

And here to the Finnish version Tutkimusdatanhallinta.

Lesson plans & ready made training session for trainers to use

  • Licensing Data and Code – Key Steps Towards Reusability Workshop - materials
  • How researchers describe their data - instructions for the workshop organizer 
  • Data Organisation ABC workshop - Datan Organisoinnin ABC työpaja
    • Fuchs, S., Koivula, H., Korhonen, T., Lindholm, T., Rauste, P., & Siipilehto, L. (2023, toukokuuta 17). Data Organisation ABC workshop - Datan Organisoinnin ABC työpaja. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7944449

Data management & FAIR-principles





Introduction to data management

video (5:36)

This is an introduction to data management, what it is and why is it important to manage your research data. The video will also introduce the concept of FAIR data.


License: CC BY-ND 4.0


Introduction to data management planning

video (4:45)

This is an introduction to data management planning. We go through what it is and how it will benefit your research. We also introduce how to get started in planning your data management using data management planning tools.


License: CC BY-ND 4.0


Introduction to sections of a generic​data management plan​

video (3:39)

In this video we will go through the sections of a generic data management plan. 


License: CC BY-ND 4.0


CSC research data management services for life science research

video (8:50)

In this video we introduce CSC data management services through out the project life cycle using an example research group called Rudolf.


License: CC BY-ND 4.0



The Elements of FAIR video series

This video series introduces what the FAIR principles mean in practice.




FAIR principles 

video (1:44)

FAIR principles 

(Eng. subtitles)



Fairdata services 





Fairdata services (Eng. subtitles)

video (2:08)

Introduction to FAIRdata services: IDA, Etsin, Qvain, PAS 

Introduction to IDA 

video (2:41)

The fundamental functionalities of Fairdata IDA

(Eng. subtitles)

Using IDA on a browser, IDA's functionalities 

video (5:52)

A demonstration of using the Fairdata IDA service on a web browser.

(Eng. subtitles)




Fairdata Qvain Demonstration 

video (6:18)

How to publish research data in Fairdata using the Qvain Tool, demo video




Digital preservation service

Manage well and get preserved video series

7 videos

Video series about digital preservation of research data. In these videos we will present the basics of how to do good research data management that makes your data possible to reuse and preserve for future research.

Video names:

  1. Research data management and digital preservation
  2. Open formats and data quality
  3. Persistent identifiers

  4. Metadata standards
  5. Preservation metadata
  6. Managing files and file naming
  7. Checksums


License: CC BY-ND 4.0


Sensitive data




CSC Sensitive Data Services for Research - playlist


Sensitive Data Services for Research – video tutorial series. You can find more information in the user guide and sensitive data webpage



How do I authorize access to my sensitive data?

video (1:45)

The animation describes how you can authorize access to your sensitive data with the help of Data Access Committee and Authorization tool. CSC - IT Center for Finland, Elixir Finland, Elixir Europe, EGA

Secure human data management in Europe

video (1:46)

EGA service ad fedarated EGA service for secure human data management in Europe.

Introduction to Federated EGA

This video series introduces Federated EGA. These videos have been done in the ELIXIR-CONVERGE project funded by the European Commission. FEGA User Guide: https://docs.csc.fi/data/sensitive-data/federatedega/



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