TagDescription of what the service at least offers to protect the content

Open Access

The service supports openness. There is no login or other restrictions regarding content view and/or download.

Restricted access

The service always requires users to register or identify themselves in some way. Content can only be shared with registered users or defined user groups with identified users.

Restricted and controlled access

The use of this service requires a medium or high level of assurance of identification and multifactor authentication. The data is encrypted. The project manager can share data only to registered users, and there is a feature that allows application and approval of access. Data access is logged. The service provides the tools for the project manager to decide who can access the data, who can download it or manage data export from isolated environments.

Restricted and controlled use

The use of this service requires a medium or high level of assurance of identification and multifactor authentication. The data is encrypted. Access to the service is managed either by the data controller, or by CSC acting on their behalf. Access is provided only to registered users and based on a data access permit.  Data access is logged. The user cannot download and export content from this service.

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