Kysely tehtiin Making sense of open science jungle -tapahtumassa 12.3.2019
Kysytyt palvelut otettiin EOSC-palvelukatalogista Kyselyn aikaan palvelukatalogissa oli 154 palvelua ja resurssia 17 julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin palvelutarjoajalta.
Tunnettuus palveluryhmittäin
Palveluryhmä | Service | Known_c | Tunnettuus-% ryhmittäin |
Aggregator | 23 | 9 | 39 % |
Analytics | 4 | 0 | 0 % |
Application | 3 | 1 | 33 % |
Compute | 8 | 7 | 88 % |
Consulting | 2 | 1 | 50 % |
Data | 41 | 13 | 32 % |
Networking | 8 | 1 | 13 % |
Operations | 12 | 5 | 42 % |
Other | 7 | 2 | 29 % |
Security | 11 | 7 | 64 % |
Software | 19 | 1 | 5 % |
Storage | 3 | 0 | 0 % |
Training | 13 | 6 | 46 % |
Kaikki yhteensä | 154 | 53 | 34 % |
Palvelu tunnettuusjärjestyksessä
Palvelu | Known |
Zenodo | 34 |
eduroam | 30 |
B2DROP | 19 |
Figshare | 19 |
B2FIND | 16 |
B2SHARE | 16 |
B2ACCESS | 15 |
B2SAFE | 14 |
OpenAIRE Discovery Portal | 14 |
B2HANDLE | 10 |
eduGAIN | 10 |
OpenAIRE Content Provider Dashboard | 8 |
eduroam Managed IdP | 7 |
CLARIN OpenAIRE Dashboard | 6 |
Trusted Certificate Service | 4 |
B2STAGE | 3 |
GÉANT Clouds Service - Infrastructure as a Service | 3 |
GÉANT IP | 3 |
Open Science Helpdesk | 3 |
OpenAIRE Mining Service | 3 |
OpenAIRE Validator | 3 |
PRACE Advanced Training Centres | 3 |
PRACE Project Access | 3 |
PRACE Seasonal Schools and International Summer School | 3 |
PRACE Training Centres | 3 |
Technical support towards OpenAIRE compliance | 3 |
eduGAIN Federation as a Service | 2 |
EGI FitSM Training | 2 |
EGI Helpdesk | 2 |
Open Science Training | 2 |
OpenAIRE Broker | 2 |
AGINFRA+ AGRIS Elastic Index | 1 |
Aquaculture Atlas Generation Spatial Data Catalog | 1 |
ARP wARP | 1 |
EGI Check-In | 1 |
EGI Cloud Compute | 1 |
EGI High-Throughput Compute | 1 |
EGI Notebook | 1 |
EGI Service Monitoring | 1 |
EGI Workload Manager | 1 |
Open Telekom Cloud | 1 |
OpenAIRE Funder Dashboard | 1 |
OpenAIRE ScholeXplorer | 1 |
OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Ancillary Resources | 1 |
OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Corpora | 1 |
OpenMinTeD Catalogue of TDM Components | 1 |
OpenMinTeD Consulting on Licences for TDM | 1 |
PRACE Application Enabling Support | 1 |
PRACE Code Vault | 1 |
PRACE DECI Access | 1 |
PRACE Preparatory Access | 1 |
PRACE Training Portal | 1 |
Access to Open Data platforms | 0 |
Accounting Framework | 0 |
AGINFRA+ Chart Visualization | 0 |
AGINFRA+ Data Transformation Service | 0 |
AGINFRA+ Geoanalytics Visualization | 0 |
AGINFRA+ Ontology Engineering Service | 0 |
AGINFRA+ Semantic Linking Service | 0 |
AMBER | 0 |
Aquaculture Atlas Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Aquaculture Farming | 0 |
Auto-Rickshaw | 0 |
Biodiversity | 0 |
BiOnym | 0 |
Collaboration Framework | 0 |
CompBioMed Software Hub | 0 |
CompBioMed Training Portal | 0 |
D4Science Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
D4Science Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Data Miner Analytics Prototype Service | 0 |
Data Miner Analytics Service | 0 |
Data warehousing facilities | 0 |
Data-driven Atlas Production | 0 |
Dipcheck | 0 |
DisVis web portal | 0 |
Dynamic Reporting | 0 |
eduPERT | 0 |
EGI Accounting | 0 |
EGI Applications on Demand | 0 |
EGI Archive Storage | 0 |
EGI Attribute Management | 0 |
EGI Cloud Container Compute | 0 |
EGI Configuration Database | 0 |
EGI Data Transfer | 0 |
EGI Marketplace | 0 |
EGI Online Storage | 0 |
EGI Operational tools | 0 |
EGI Training Infrastructure | 0 |
EGI Validated Software and Repository | 0 |
European Cloud Hosting | 0 |
European Marine Science OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
Finding Anisotropy Tensor | 0 |
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
French Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
French Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
GÉANT Lambda | 0 |
GÉANT Open | 0 |
GÉANT Plus | 0 |
GÉANT Testbeds Service | 0 |
Global Record of Stocks and Fishery | 0 |
Global Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
Global Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Greek Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
HADDOCK Web Portal | 0 |
InAcademia | 0 |
Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
ISO 27001 Training | 0 |
Jaqpot | 0 |
MetalPDB | 0 |
Neuroinformatics OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
Nuvla Multi-cloud Application Management Platform | 0 |
NYM Framework | 0 |
OpenAIRE Graph Access API | 0 |
OpenAIRE Usage Statistics | 0 |
OpenMinTeD Builder of TDM Applications | 0 |
OpenMinTeD Catalogue of TDM Applications | 0 |
OpenMinTeD Corpus Builder for Scholarly Works | 0 |
OpenMinTeD Support and Training | 0 |
OpenMinTeD TDM Applications Executor | 0 |
OpenRiskNet e-infrastructure | 0 |
PDB_REDO server | 0 |
perfSONAR | 0 |
PhenoMeNal | 0 |
PowerFit web portal | 0 |
Protected Area Impact Maps Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Protein Crystallisation Construct Designer | 0 |
Regional Database for Fishery Stock Management | 0 |
Scalable Data Mining | 0 |
Scientific Training Environment | 0 |
Scipion | 0 |
Secure File Sharing and Storage | 0 |
SHAPE | 0 |
Software Integration Support | 0 |
Software Repository | 0 |
Spatial Data Infrastructure Laboratory Catalog | 0 |
Spatial Planning | 0 |
Species Modeling | 0 |
SpotOn | 0 |
Stock Assessment Support | 0 |
Support for Data Publication | 0 |
TRANSITS Training | 0 |
Transkribus | 0 |
Trusted Introducer | 0 |
Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Virtual Folder for Structural Biology Projects | 0 |
Tunnettuus palveluryhmittäin palveluittain
Category | Service | Known |
Aggregator | Zenodo | 34 |
Aggregator | OpenAIRE Discovery Portal | 14 |
Aggregator | OpenAIRE Content Provider Dashboard | 8 |
Aggregator | CLARIN OpenAIRE Dashboard | 6 |
Aggregator | Open Telekom Cloud | 1 |
Aggregator | OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Ancillary Resources | 1 |
Aggregator | OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Corpora | 1 |
Aggregator | OpenMinTeD Catalogue of TDM Components | 1 |
Aggregator | PRACE Code Vault | 1 |
Aggregator | CompBioMed Software Hub | 0 |
Aggregator | EGI Applications on Demand | 0 |
Aggregator | EGI Marketplace | 0 |
Aggregator | EGI Validated Software and Repository | 0 |
Aggregator | European Cloud Hosting | 0 |
Aggregator | European Marine Science OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
Aggregator | Fisheries and Aquaculture Management OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
Aggregator | Greek Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
Aggregator | Neuroinformatics OpenAIRE Dashboard | 0 |
Aggregator | OpenMinTeD Catalogue of TDM Applications | 0 |
Aggregator | OpenMinTeD Corpus Builder for Scholarly Works | 0 |
Aggregator | OpenRiskNet e-infrastructure | 0 |
Aggregator | PhenoMeNal | 0 |
Aggregator | V-SEEM CLOWDER | 0 |
Analytics | Data Miner Analytics Prototype Service | 0 |
Analytics | Data Miner Analytics Service | 0 |
Analytics | Data warehousing facilities | 0 |
Analytics | OpenAIRE Usage Statistics | 0 |
Application | PRACE Application Enabling Support | 1 |
Application | Collaboration Framework | 0 |
Application | Software Integration Support | 0 |
Compute | GÉANT Clouds Service - Infrastructure as a Service | 3 |
Compute | PRACE Project Access | 3 |
Compute | EGI Cloud Compute | 1 |
Compute | EGI High-Throughput Compute | 1 |
Compute | EGI Workload Manager | 1 |
Compute | PRACE DECI Access | 1 |
Compute | PRACE Preparatory Access | 1 |
Compute | EGI Cloud Container Compute | 0 |
Consulting | OpenMinTeD Consulting on Licences for TDM | 1 |
Consulting | SHAPE | 0 |
Data | B2DROP | 19 |
Data | Figshare | 19 |
Data | B2FIND | 16 |
Data | B2SHARE | 16 |
Data | B2SAFE | 14 |
Data | B2HANDLE | 10 |
Data | AMNESIA | 5 |
Data | B2STAGE | 3 |
Data | OpenAIRE Mining Service | 3 |
Data | OpenAIRE Validator | 3 |
Data | OpenAIRE Broker | 2 |
Data | Aquaculture Atlas Generation Spatial Data Catalog | 1 |
Data | OpenAIRE ScholeXplorer | 1 |
Data | Access to Open Data platforms | 0 |
Data | Aquaculture Atlas Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Data | Aquaculture Farming | 0 |
Data | Biodiversity | 0 |
Data | BiOnym | 0 |
Data | D4Science Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
Data | D4Science Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Data | Data-driven Atlas Production | 0 |
Data | Dynamic Reporting | 0 |
Data | EGI Data Transfer | 0 |
Data | French Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
Data | French Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Data | Global Record of Stocks and Fishery | 0 |
Data | Global Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
Data | Global Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Data | Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
Data | NYM Framework | 0 |
Data | OpenAIRE Graph Access API | 0 |
Data | Protected Area Impact Maps Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Data | Regional Database for Fishery Stock Management | 0 |
Data | Scalable Data Mining | 0 |
Data | Spatial Data Infrastructure Laboratory Catalog | 0 |
Data | Spatial Planning | 0 |
Data | Species Modeling | 0 |
Data | Stock Assessment Support | 0 |
Data | Support for Data Publication | 0 |
Data | Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission Spatial Data Catalog | 0 |
Data | Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission Spatial Data Repository | 0 |
Networking | GÉANT IP | 3 |
Networking | eduPERT | 0 |
Networking | GÉANT L3VPN | 0 |
Networking | GÉANT Lambda | 0 |
Networking | GÉANT MDVPN | 0 |
Networking | GÉANT Open | 0 |
Networking | GÉANT Plus | 0 |
Networking | GÉANT Testbeds Service | 0 |
Operations | Open Science Helpdesk | 3 |
Operations | Technical support towards OpenAIRE compliance | 3 |
Operations | EGI Helpdesk | 2 |
Operations | EGI Service Monitoring | 1 |
Operations | OpenAIRE Funder Dashboard | 1 |
Operations | EGI Accounting | 0 |
Operations | EGI Configuration Database | 0 |
Operations | EGI Operational tools | 0 |
Operations | Nuvla Multi-cloud Application Management Platform | 0 |
Operations | OpenMinTeD Builder of TDM Applications | 0 |
Operations | OpenMinTeD TDM Applications Executor | 0 |
Operations | perfSONAR | 0 |
Other | AGINFRA+ AGRIS Elastic Index | 1 |
Other | EGI Notebook | 1 |
Other | AGINFRA+ Chart Visualization | 0 |
Other | AGINFRA+ Data Transformation Service | 0 |
Other | AGINFRA+ Geoanalytics Visualization | 0 |
Other | AGINFRA+ Ontology Engineering Service | 0 |
Other | AGINFRA+ Semantic Linking Service | 0 |
Security | eduroam | 30 |
Security | B2ACCESS | 15 |
Security | eduGAIN | 10 |
Security | eduroam Managed IdP | 7 |
Security | Trusted Certificate Service | 4 |
Security | eduGAIN Federation as a Service | 2 |
Security | EGI Check-In | 1 |
Security | Accounting Framework | 0 |
Security | EGI Attribute Management | 0 |
Security | InAcademia | 0 |
Security | Trusted Introducer | 0 |
Software | ARP wARP | 1 |
Software | 3DBIONOTES | 0 |
Software | AMBER | 0 |
Software | Auto-Rickshaw | 0 |
Software | CS-ROSETTA3 | 0 |
Software | Dipcheck | 0 |
Software | DisVis web portal | 0 |
Software | Finding Anisotropy Tensor | 0 |
Software | HADDOCK Web Portal | 0 |
Software | Jaqpot | 0 |
Software | MetalPDB | 0 |
Software | PDB_REDO server | 0 |
Software | PowerFit web portal | 0 |
Software | Protein Crystallisation Construct Designer | 0 |
Software | Scipion | 0 |
Software | Software Repository | 0 |
Software | SpotOn | 0 |
Software | Transkribus | 0 |
Software | Virtual Folder for Structural Biology Projects | 0 |
Storage | EGI Archive Storage | 0 |
Storage | EGI Online Storage | 0 |
Storage | Secure File Sharing and Storage | 0 |
Training | PRACE Advanced Training Centres | 3 |
Training | PRACE Seasonal Schools and International Summer School | 3 |
Training | PRACE Training Centres | 3 |
Training | EGI FitSM Training | 2 |
Training | Open Science Training | 2 |
Training | PRACE Training Portal | 1 |
Training | CompBioMed Training Portal | 0 |
Training | EGI Training Infrastructure | 0 |
Training | ISO 27001 Training | 0 |
Training | OpenMinTeD Support and Training | 0 |
Training | PRACE MOOC | 0 |
Training | Scientific Training Environment | 0 |
Training | TRANSITS Training | 0 |