Julkaisuiden tarkistuksissa ohitetaan joitakin sanoja ja merkkejä, jotta yhteisjulkaisut ja duplikaatit voidaan paremmin tunnistaa pienistä kirjoituseroista huolimatta. Ohitukset tehdään pidemmissä string-muotoisissa kentissä, esim. JulkaisunNimi, KustantajanNimi jne. 

stop_words = {" i "," me "," my "," myself "," we "," our "," ours "," ourselves "," you "," your "," yours "," yourself "," yourselves "," he "," him "," his "," himself "," she "," her "," hers "," herself "," it "," its "," itself "," they "," them "," their "," theirs ",
" themselves "," what "," which "," who "," whom "," this "," that "," these "," those "," am "," is "," are "," was "," were "," be "," been "," being "," have "," has "," had "," having "," do "," does "," did "," doing "," a "," an "," the "," and "," but "," if "," or "," because "," as "," until ",
" while "," of "," at "," by "," for "," with "," about "," against "," between "," into "," through "," during "," before "," after "," above "," below "," to "," from "," up "," down "," in "," out "," on "," off "," over "," under "," again "," further "," then "," once "," here "," there ",
" when "," where "," why "," how "," all "," any "," both "," each "," few "," more "," most "," other "," some "," such "," no "," nor "," not "," only "," own "," same "," so "," than "," too "," very "," s "," t "," can "," will "," just "," don "," should "," now "};

stop_chars = { "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "{", "|", "}", "~", "£", "¿",
"®", "¬", "½", "¼", "«", "»", "©", "┐", "└", "┴", "┬", "├", "─", "┼", "┘", "┌", "¦", "¯", "´", "≡", "±", "‗", "¾", "¶", "§", "÷", "¸", "°", "¨", "·", "¹", "³", "²", "–"};

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