In a statement question, the student is shown the statement, and s/he chooses an answer suitable for the statement, such as "True", "False" or "I don't know".

The default answer options for the statement question are True, False and I don't know. It is possible to modify the answer options "True" and "False" and their scores. The answer option "I don't know" cannot be edited and it always gives 0 points.

By answering the statement question incorrectly, the student can get minus points for the question that will reduce the total score of the exam. However, the total score of the exam cannot be negative, i.e. the score of the entire exam will always be at least 0.

The correct and incorrect answer of the exam is determined according to the score of the answer option:

  • The score for the correct answer is always more than zero (>0).
  • The score for a wrong answer is always either zero or less (<=0)
  • The I don't know answer cannot be edited and its score is always zero (=0).

Creating a Statement question (can be edited)

  1. Choose question type from the list.

    List of question types where to slect Statement question.

  2. Add the question text.
    Question text where textbox where to write the question text.

  3. The statement question automatically has the answer options True (+1p), False (-1p) and I don't know (0p). If you want to use these options, go to the next section Additional information. If, on the other hand, you want to edit the text or points of the answer options, you can do it at this stage by editing the texts or points of the "True" and "False" answers. The option "I don't know" cannot be modified and is always the last option. Please note the more detailed instructions in connection with the question.

    Question type instructions for True, False and I don't know answers and points.

  4. In the Additional information section, you can add owners to the question, attach an attachment file to the question, and give more detailed instructions related to the question. Adding a tag (keyword), you can later search for a question in the Question Bank. 

Additional information that can be added to the question such as owners, attachments and other instructions.

Assessing a Statements question (can be edited)

Exam evaluates statement questions automatically.

In the submission assessment view:

  • The correct answer to the question is marked in green, the wrong answer in red and the I don't know answer in gray.
  • The student's correct answer is marked with green frames.
  • The student's wrong answer is marked with red frames.
  • The student's I don't know answer is marked with gray frames.

In Skip automatic points, you can skip the points automatically calculated by Exam and assign the student the desired number of points for the question.

Example 1: Student has chosen the correct answer and received a score of 1/1.

Student's amswer is correct and marked in freen frames.

Example 2: Student has chosen the wrong answer and received a score of -1/1.

Student's answer is incorrect and marked with red frames.

Example 3: Student has chosen the I don't know -answer and received a score of 0/1.

Student's answer is I don't know and is marked with grey frames.

  • No labels