Education management information service Arvo is a survey data collection system specifically tailored for education administration. Arvo collects nationally comparable information to, for example, assess the effectiveness and impact of education. Results are used by educational actors to develop their own activities and, at the national level, in the steering and funding of education. Students, alumni, educational actor staff and working life representatives respond to the collection of data.

The results of data collection are reported publicly in Vipunen - Education Statistics Finland or reports submitted directly to educational actors.

Education management information service Arvo is used to conduct national data collections

Basic education

  • Move! is a national physical functional capacity monitoring and feedback system for Finnish 5th and 8th grade pupils. (data collection started: 9/2020-)

Upper secondary education

  • Student feedback on vocational education and training (7/2018-)
    • The three types of VET student feedback are: feedback from students who have completed a vocational qualification unit(s), students who have completed a vocational qualification, students who have started VET leading to a qualification. Feedback data collected through the surveys supports both national quality monitoring and development and the internal quality monitoring and development of education providers. Some national feedback questions are used as grounds for effectiveness-based funding.
  • Working life feedback on vocational education and training (VET)
    • Workplace instructor survey (4/2021-): this survey is taken by the workplace instructor responsible for students whose competence is based on an apprentice or training agreement. 
    • Workplace survey (12/2021-): this survey collects data from a representative of an apprenticeship or training agreement workplace.
    • The aim of working life feedback on vocational education and training is to hear about working life experiences with the services offered by education providers, with regard to the provision of training agreement-based education and apprenticeship training. The themes of the feedback questions are related to customer-oriented approach, agreement process, guidance and support, effectiveness and quality. Working life feedback has been defined as one of the grounds for VET providers to receive effectiveness-based funding. There are two types of working life feedback: the workplace instructor survey and workplace survey.
  • Self-evaluation of digital competences data collection for VET providers and general upper secondary education providers (2/2021-)
  • The aim of the self-evaluation of digital competence is to produce comparable information on the progress of digitalization at the education provider level and nationally. The evaluation maps how providers of general upper secondary education and vocational education and training currently support and develop the digital competence of their organizations. The self-evaluation focuses on the assessment of the organisation's operating methods that support and develop digitalisation, organizational culture and infrastructure. The self-evaluation of digital competence is carried out approximately every two years.

Universities of applied sciences and universities

  • Feedback questionnaire for University of Applied Sciences graduands (AVOP) (1/2016-)
    • AVOP is a feedback questionnaire for university of applied sciences graduands, in which students can evaluate and give feedback on their education. The findings are used locally by institutions to improve their institutional processes and practices and nationally to inform performance-based monitoring and funding. All graduating degree students from universities of applied sciences are requested to fill out the questionnaire.
  • Recruitment Survey for higher education institutions (6/2017-)
    • The Recruitment Survey is part of the Ministry of Education and Culture's recruitment data collection, whose purpose is to produce benchmark data on the most important resource of higher education institutions - human resources. The results of the data collection are used by the Ministry of Education and Culture. 
  • Career monitoring data collection of universities and universities of applied sciences (Career monitoring surveys for universities 2017-, Career monitoring surveys for universities of applied sciences 2018-)
    • A career monitoring survey is conducted annually with graduates from both universities of applied sciences and universities. The survey is intended for those who have completed a Bachelor's or Master's degree at a university of applied sciences or a Master's degree at a university five years earlier, or a doctoral degree three years earlier. The aim of the survey is to examine the careers and employability of the graduates as well as explore their satisfaction with their chosen degree. Some of the survey questions also gauge the quality of employment. These survey questions serve as the basis for 3% of the basic funding for universities of applied sciences.
  • Finnish Bachelor’s Graduate Survey (Kandipalaute)
    • The Finnish Bachelor’s Graduate Survey (Kandipalaute) is used to examine the satisfaction of students who have completed a Bachelor's degree with regard to their university and their study experience. The findings are used locally by institutions to improve their institutional processes and practices and nationally to inform performance-based monitoring and funding.

User instructions

Arvo users participate in the preparation of data collection and follow the results of data collection in reports. Read the user instructions for using the Arvo service at: Käyttöohjeet ja tuki (in Finnish).

Summary of user instructions in English:

  • Log in to Arvo on the Studyinfo administrator user interface
  • Go to the Arvo service from Studyinfo
  • Go to the desired content in Arvo
    • Depending on your user rights, you can view different content, such as Home, Questionnaires, Question Groups and Reports in Arvo as the administrator.
  • In the Questionnaires section, you can see lists of your organization's questionnaires by status and possibly the Respondents page
    • On the Respondents page, you can see the number of responses and content related to the respondent IDs
    • On the Respondents page, you can create a new manual respondent links for data collections that use a Haka login
  • In the Question Groups section, you can see your organization's own question groups and, as the administrator, you can create new own question groups or edit or delete draft question groups and their questions.
  • In the Reports section, you can see the response data of the queries in the Arvo UI reports. As an administrator, you can also download CSV files containing response data.
  • In the Arvo API section, you can manage the organization's interface ID as an interface user.

Processing of personal data

Data controllers have been specified in the Arvo data collection. The controller of each data collection drafts a privacy statement on the processing of personal data for the data subjects. The privacy statements for data collection can be found on the websites of data collection in Finnish, Swedish and, if necessary, English. Familiarise yourself with the data collection materials: Arvon tiedonkeruut (in Finnish). CSC acts as the processor of personal data collected in accordance with the instructions of each controller.


Education management information service Arvo has drafted an Accessibility Statement for responding to data collections in Finnish, Swedish and English. Read the Accessibility Statement at Arvo Accessibility Statement

Service ownership and actors

Education management information service Arvo is owned by CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. Key service actors and stakeholders include the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish National Agency for Education, universities of applied sciences and universities, which act as service clients, controllers and users. The Arvo service is developed in cooperation with customers and stakeholders.

Arvo customer service

If you have any questions about Arvo or its use, please contact our customer service at:

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