- Created by Walter Rydman, last modified on Nov 06, 2023
Finn-ARMA Network (Finnish Association of Research Managers and Administrators) brings together research administration and management experts from higher education institutions and research institutes in Finland. Network’s core mission is to promote co-operation, exchange information and enhance the professional development of its members. Currently the network has ca. 500 members working in 17 thematic groups where the most of the actual activities take place.
At the heart of the network's activities is the idea of bottom-up action, which is born from the experts' own need. The activities of the working groups are shaped according to the needs of the group members. The network has a executive committee tasked to enable continuity of activities and take care of the general matters. Finn-ARMA network co-operates with other national parties providing its expertise for joint projects and contributing to the general development of its field.
Please see an english slide set here
- To promote cooperation, professional development and exchange of information between experts working in research administration, research support and research services in higher education institutions and research institutes.
- To support and promote training opportunities for network experts
- To participate in the coordination and implementation of national projects. Propose necessary development projects.
- To provide opinions and appoint experts.
- To maintain contacts with key stakeholders nationally and internationally.
- To promote the development of an overall picture of trends and needs in the area of research management and administration (in particular regarding digitalisation).
- The network is responsible for the development of reference architecture within it’s field and maintains the national research administration and management vocabulary.
The executive committee of the network is responsible for the ongoing operations and represents the Finn-ARMA network both nationally and internationally.
Anu Juslin, Tampereen yliopisto, pj. (24–26)
Ella Bingham, Aalto yliopisto (24–25)
Laura Kitti, Luonnonvarakeskus
Johanna Kolhinen, Helsingin yliopisto (25–26)
Laura Niemi, Turun yliopisto (24–25)
Marja-Riitta Vest, VAMK
Tomi Rosti, Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Miki Kallio, Oulun yliopisto (25)
Sanna Marttinen, Tulanet
Erkki Raulo, Helsingin yliopisto (25)
Mari Vuolteenaho, Laurea
Please contact the executive committee through the coordinator (walter.rydman@csc.fi, tel. 050 381 8521).
The executive committee warmly welcomes ideas to be addressed. If the issue concerns a topic for which there is already a working group within the network we also encourage you to contact the group’s chair directly.
CRIS-groups (Converis and FiPure)
Doctoral Training Network
EU Horizon
FUN – Finnish University Libraries’ Network
Funding from USA
Information modelling & vocabularies
Marie Skłodowska-Curie funding group
Collection for metadata on research data
Open science coordination (TSV)
PID Network
Post award -group
Publication metadata
Publication metrics
RDI directors of UAS
Research ethics
Research evaluation
Research infrastructures
Research policy
Research Service Days
Training on research data
Universities' research funding managers
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